A Shade of Vampire 84 A Memory of Time - Bella Forrest Page 0,63

the Reaper. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you an inkling of peace and quiet,” he replied. “I thought you might appreciate it. I can let time flow again, if you wish.”

“That’s kind of you,” I said, wiping my tears and taking a couple of steps back. “I’m better now. Thanks.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. “You’re welcome.”

He snapped his fingers, and something came alive within me. I could feel the flow of time again. It was so strange to have been the only one moving and breathing while everything else had stopped. What an incredible power he had.

“I would advise you to reduce your visits here,” Time said. “At the risk of repeating myself, it doesn’t do you any good to be around Kalon right now.”

“I love him. I can’t just leave him here…”

“Esme, I knew love once, too. And while it is a wonderful thing that I would do anything to experience again, I also remember how easily it can cloud one’s judgment. I see you. I see what you are capable of. You represent the highest tier of your species. This world and many others beyond have high hopes for you. Victory requires dedication and concentration. A clear mind. A clear heart. You have neither right now.”

I lowered my eyes, begrudgingly admitting to myself that he was right. If I wanted even the slightest chance of walking out of here with Kalon alive and healthy, I’d have to find my strength again.

Sofia’s voice came through on the comms system, startling me. “Esme! Esme, where are you?” she called out. I pressed the button on my earpiece.

“I’m in the north tower,” I said, glancing at Time. “What’s wrong?”

“You need to come to the south tower. Now!”

The urgency of her request made my pulse quicken. Without hesitation, I headed straight for the door. Time came after me. “What is it?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but it can’t be good,” I replied.

It wasn’t like Sofia to just reach out like that without giving me any details. Something was going on by the south tower, and I suspected I might need my pulverizer weapon handy. It looked like fate still had a couple of curve balls to throw at me.

I’d have to keep playing, then.


“You have to be kidding me!” I’d reached the southern tower. There wasn’t much left of it, except for its crumbling base. It had been built on the edge of the city by the once-tall gates. We could see everything down the road from here, including Petra Visentis. Somehow, she’d made her way all the way here.

Here, of all places.

Time shushed me. “Keep your voice down. She can’t see past the protective shield, but she can still hear you.”

“What is she doing here?!” I croaked, and Time brought an arm up to hold me back.

“Mind your temper,” he hissed. “You can’t let her get to you like this, Esme.”

I took a deep breath, standing in the middle of the cobbled road. Ahead, Sofia and Derek were already watching Petra as she looked around, trying to figure out what she might find beyond the spell. Kemi had joined them. No one said anything. My blood ran cold. Our worst-case scenario had already come true, and I had no idea how we were going to fix it.

“I’m good,” I told Time. “Let’s go.”

By the time we reached Sofia, Derek, and Kemi, Petra was trying to touch the shield. It zapped her, and she jerked her hand back, cursing under her breath. Her silver hair was pulled back beneath a black leather hood. I caught glimpses of a dark blue velvet dress as she moved along the shield, probably looking for a way through.

“She must’ve heard about Orvis,” Sofia whispered in my ear. “The shield didn’t exactly surprise her.”

“How is she here?” I whispered back.

Sofia didn’t have an answer. “I don’t know. She hasn’t said anything. She’s been here for about ten minutes, trying to get in.”

Petra got zapped again. She licked the tip of her throbbing index finger, her brows furrowed as she looked my way. I knew she couldn’t see me, but it still felt like she was peering right into my soul. I shivered, both hands gripping the pulverizer weapon.

“I could kill her right now.” I sighed. “Maybe I’ll turn the Spirit Bender shard to ashes, too. What’s stopping me?”

“Absolutely nothing,” Derek replied, his voice low. “But I, like you, am curious about how she came to Roano. If she can find this place after two million years of

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