Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,81

ounce of flesh above his waist.

"It would appear as if you have found your map," my mother answered in a voice that wasn't her own.

Chapter 22

"Can you keep this between you and me?"

Candace looked up at me, almost fearfully. Her bottom lip was trembling and she looked like she was on the verge of hyperventilating. "They'll be there, won't they?"

"Those angel thingies?"

She nodded.

"Probably, but you don't have to be there, just get me there. As soon as we're in Tartarus, I want you and Shea to get somewhere safe."

Candace blinked. "You would go alone?"

"Rather than risk either of you? Absofuckinglutely."

"How will you get home?" She looked like she was about to completely lose it. It had been hard enough getting her alone to have the conversation I didn't want to have with her to begin with. Actually saying the words was ten times harder.

"This is my job. He's my father. I'm not going to risk losing anybody else," I said steadfastly.

"Everyone will be mad at you. Again."

"Everybody can suck it. They'll be alive to be mad. That's more than enough for me." I grinned at Candace to hopefully lighten the mood.

"You still didn't answer my question. How will you get home?"

"I'll try to use the shadows. If I can't, I'll call Shea and you guys can swoop in and pick me up when I'm sure there's no danger."

It was the first time since I'd met Candace that she doubted what I was telling her. I could see it on her face and in the shrug she gave me.

"Is that a yes?"

She didn't say a word, just gave me a single curt nod and opened the door to Charlotte's bistro. To coax Candace into going someplace we could be alone, I'd promised her lunch at her favorite place. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Especially when I saw Charlie smile and wave at Candace, and borderline scowl at me.

"Welcome back," Charlie managed to get out.

"Thanks. Good to see you again."

"I'm sure."

Without ordering, she brought our teas and set them on the table we had just settled ourselves at by the window. "The usual?"

Since there was basically nothing else on the menu I'd eat other than her attempt at a hamburger, I nodded. I really didn't want a turkey burger, I wanted a steak, but it was definitely the time of sacrifices, and a turkey burger wouldn't kill me. Maybe.

"You need to tell Josie."

"No. If I tell Josie, the whole coven will know what I'm planning and either try to stop me or go with me."

"That is not what I am talking about."

"Oh." I opened my mouth to protest, to tell her I would keep my promise to tell Josie at the wedding, but Candace was right. This might be a one-way trip and if I didn't make it… "I will."


"Fine, Mrs. Pushypants. I will. Right after lunch." Before I could say another word, the door behind me opened up and two hands gripped my shoulders excitedly. I could feel Sherry's excitement. "Hey, Miss Mayor," I said and turned my head to smile.

"How'd you know it was me? Oh, never mind!"

"Pull up a chair. What's got you all excitable?"

She grabbed a wooden chair from the table beside us and sat down. "He proposed!"

"Huh?" My heart stopped beating.

"Derek! He asked me to marry him!"

Best day ever. "Oh, my goddess! That is amazing! Congratulations!" If I could pretend a turkey burger was the real thing, I could pretend I was happy for my friend. On some level, I was. On the other eight levels of hell, I wanted to scream in rage, claw his face off, and possibly destroy the planet. I didn't love him. I didn't want or need him, but something primal inside me was still screaming, 'Mine!' I shut that bitch of an inner voice up and took a sip of my iced tea. "When's the big day?"

"Since the bar is opening in two weeks, we're going to Vegas!"

"Awww, I was hoping for a small-town wedding!"

"I know! I was, too. But this will be better. We're going to leave Friday, spend the weekend, and then we'll have a party when we get back to celebrate. I'll fill you in on the details when we make them!" Sherry stood, and leaned over, awkwardly hugging my hand before turning to pet Candace on her head. "I'll call you later!" Grabbing the basket off the counter, she headed back the way she came and left me sitting there with less of an appetite than Copyright 2016 - 2024