Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,77

life as I strode by, feet soundlessly padding over the shadow stuff beneath me.

As I roamed, the shadows began their subtle song. Pinpricks of gooseflesh crawled over my arms as the sibilant symphony wrapped me in warmth. Then the chorus of shrieks and snarls joined in as the shadow demons crawled closer.

For the first time, I didn't panic. I even halted my journey as they circled around me, red glowing eyes cutting through the darkness. They ventured closer, but not within touching distance as they slowed, stopped, and lowered their faces to the ground. The song continued, but the shrieks morphed into a bass line of their muffled whines of joy. Without fear, I stepped toward the ring of shadows, knelt, and caressed the head of the nearest.

Lifting its head, ecstasy rolled from it in waves. Smiling, I stood and continued my journey.

It had been the biggest mistake of the Abernathy line to ever bring me to the mansion in the hills surrounding Ashville. I'd even been there as a child, accompanying my mother on coven business. It made the journey from Cedar Falls almost effortless as I traversed the shadow realm. With one last sigh, I stepped from the shadow of a tree just inside the gate.

My original intention had been to go with a sneak attack, appearing behind him and subduing him in a show of power, but he wouldn't have respected that. Feared, yes. Fearful enough to stand down? No. It would be much better to show him how utterly powerless he was against me.

Unfortunately, I didn't even make it across the expanse of grass separating the wall and door before being attacked by vampires. With almost shadow walker ability, they melted from the shadows and were on me before I even registered their presence. I mentally cursed myself for not looking before leaping.

However, once in my field of prescience, their movements became almost comically slow. Batting two of them aside, I turned the third to ash. It was a combination of a jab and fire spell that worked out exponentially better than I'd imagined. The first two were hesitant to attack after the display, and I couldn't blame them. I used my shadows to leave them in the dust of their fallen comrade.

The front door of the mansion fared as well as the vampire I turned to ash. It sent a strong message to the two guards inside. There were few things in the mortal realm that vampires feared more than fire. One of them kowtowed, but the other merely shook as he looked up to the landing above.

"Where is Abernathy?"

The one standing snarled when he turned back to face me. The one at his feet pointed toward the stairs without looking up from the floor. I turned and made it to the first step when Lady Abernathy stepped onto the landing with a sigh.

"Lady Dorothea," she whispered softly and bowed her head.

"Hey, June. Are we going to have a problem?" I spoke steadily, more confident than I felt, as I walked up the stairs and stopped halfway.

"Since I am not in line for succession, only bound to the clan through marriage, absolutely not."

"Even though I killed your husband?'

Darkness passed over her features for a moment before she schooled her countenance and the smile returned. She might not have agreed with the former Lord's actions and methods, but she did love him, that much was certain. "No. He challenged you and you were victorious. In fact, I should be thanking you for saving my daughter." She might have loved her husband, but she loved her daughter more. I could hear it in her voice.

"She's my pride and joy. Of course, I'd save her." I winked and continued up the stairs.

"Are you here to kill him?" She didn't sound concerned, merely curious.

"Only if he won't see reason. He tried to incinerate what is mine."

"I warned him not to."

"Are you telling me he can't be reasoned with?"

"I am. But he might be bullied. I wish you luck. Last door at the end of the hall," she answered coolly and stepped past me, heading down the way I'd come.

Husband and daughter aside, she held nothing but disdain for her brother-in-law. I chuckled and headed down the carpeted runner filling the length of the hall Stopping at the double polished oak doors, I kicked them open without so much as a knock.

The vampires had a fucking throne.

Abernathy was sitting on it, chin on his fist, sneering at me as I Copyright 2016 - 2024