Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,64

we love??

"Love?" Sherry's eyes grew twice as wide as she turned to him and stared at him like a doe in headlights.

It was at that moment that Derek realized he fucked up.

Chuckling, I curled up into the crook of Jimmy's arm to watch the show. But not before whispering, "Just remember. You can't flirt if you're dead."

Chapter 18

"Well, that was fun," I said as I got back into Jimmy's truck, half meaning it. While it had been nice to hang out with Sherry, spending time with my ex had been more than a little awkward. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop imagining the feel of his fingers, the taste of his kiss, or the sound of his voice as he whispered in my ear. I found myself staring off into nothingness more than once as we finished our meal.

"Which part?" Jimmy asked softly, shutting the door and walking around the truck to get in. It took me until he started the engine to realize he was expecting an answer.

"Hanging out with your cousin. I really like her."

"Good. She likes you, too. What about Derek?" He asked as he put the truck in reverse but didn't let go of the break.

"You want the truth?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."

"Even if the truth sucks?"

"You still have feelings for him," he stated flatly.

"Not so much as feelings for him, just the memories of the time we shared are rather??


"Yes. Vivid. Vivid and happy."

"So, you don't want him?"

"Oh, hell no. He had his chance. Two of them in fact."

He leaned across the truck and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Well, if you change your mind??

"I won't."

He held up his hand. "The heart gets what the heart wants, Dot. Just do me a favor and try not to devastate my cousin. You saw her face when he mentioned the L word."

"I did. More importantly, I saw his face when he realized what he said. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal."

"What's that?"

"I promise not to hurt her, but if he hurts her, we can hurt him together." I grinned proudly.

"Such a deal." He winked and backed out of the spot and headed for Main.

"Want to go back to my place?"

"Maybe in a little bit. I have something else planned??

"Fuck me." I sighed and slumped in the seat.

"Oh. I will. I will." He grinned mischievously.

"That's not the part I'm worried about."

"Oh? What is, pray tell."

"Who's going to be watching??

"I would never do something so dastardly?? He feigned shock and put his hand over his heart.

"Both hands on the wheel, mister."

He kept driving, taking us closer and closer to the center of town. My heart stopped when he pulled in the parking lot of the bookstore. "Uh. Why are we here?"

"I figured you could use a coffee??

"Jimmy, so help me goddess. If you cause a scene in my store, I'll flog you."

"You promise?" He sounded a little too hopeful for my tastes. "Come on. It will be fun!" He flashed his famous, patented, boyish smile and opened his door.

I counted to ten and then once again while I waited for him to open my door. If he was going to drag me into the store for a bit of fun, he could do it with me kicking and screaming.

But, truth be told, I could already feel myself dampening at the thought. Jimmy had that effect on me. Whenever he mentioned the word "plan", my bits started quivering in anticipation and drooling in excitement. Basically, my vagina was a dog who heard the words, "Hey, girl. You wanna go for a ride?"

"My Lady," he said as he opened the door and offered me his hand. I slid down out of the seat and managed not to fall on my ass as my feet wobbled on the concrete before I caught my balance. Most days, I really hated his truck. The other few, I mostly despised it.

"Thank you, Sir James." I chuckled and moved out of the way for him to slam the door closed.

"Come on. Let's get some coffee."

The caf茅 was packed. But somehow Josie was expecting us and had two cups of coffee with lids prepped and off to the side of the register. She handed them to Jimmy over the glass partition without so much as a second glance. He took a sip of one and handed me the other.

"Busier than I was expecting."

"Foil your plans?"

"Nope. C'mon. Let's go say hi to Jay," he offered me his hand and Copyright 2016 - 2024