Seventh Seal - Jacquelyn Faye Page 0,20

months of shit weather."

"New Year's will be fun. Our first."

"Yuki wants to have a party."

"Are you?"

"I might. Can't promise I'll stay up 'til midnight, though. That shit is for youngins."

"Oh, please. When was the last time you went to bed before midnight?"

I shrugged. My sleep schedule had been all sorts of fucked up as of late. There had been times when I stayed up for two days straight and got off with a light nap. Then there were days I didn't want to get out of bed. Especially when I wasn't alone.

Traffic going into Amersville was twice as bad as the traffic leaving. We drove past the Walmart and the mall and headed to the south side. I'd driven through it once or twice, but never noticed it was a little posher than the north side. More chain restaurants became prevalent and I figured we'd end up at the TGI Fridays, but Chief pulled into someplace called Brewskies.

"A sports bar?"

"Kind of. It's like a mixture of sports bar, raw bar, steakhouse, and brewery."

"Okay then." I chuckled, opening my door and sliding out of the Cherokee, careful not to let my dress ride up too high. Didn't need to be flashing the parking lot the skimpy black panties that matched my dress and had been Chief's request.

"Honestly, next to the seafood place, they have the best food in town. Their wings are to die for."

"Was just picturing something a little more romantic."

"Yeah. That isn't what this is about." He chuckled and opened the door for me, ushering me inside. "Hi. Reservation for Bill?"

"Not about romance? I think you're missing the point of a date, Chief." Something was afoot and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Right this way," the hostess smiled at him, grabbed two menus, and led us to our booth. In the back. In a very unbusy area. In fact, the only other people close to our seats were Jimmy and Dennis in the booth adjacent to ours. I'd been set up.

"Really?" I blinked at him in disbelief.

"What? Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you'd be here…"

"Fucker. I'm surprised you told me to wear panties." I wasn't mad. Not in the least. I mean, how could I have been? It was Jimmy and Dennis. "I thought you guys were fishing?"

"We were. Until we got the call from Bill and told us where we should have dinner." Dennis looked confused; Jimmy looked hungry. And not for chicken wings.

"Um, excuse me Miss Blackwell. This is our date. You're supposed to ignore the hired help." Chief chuckled and slid into the booth, motioning for me to sit beside him, facing the boys.

"Oh. My apologies, oh great one." I bowed and scooted in next to him.

Chief put his hand on my thigh while he perused the menu with the other hand, slowly sliding his calloused palm over my sensitive skin.

Jimmy and Dennis were looking over their menu, giving me little glances and smiles.

"Hi! I'm Devin. I'll be taking care of you folks tonight. Can I start you out with some beverages?"

"Bud draft?" Chief answered first.

"Sure thing. And for you, ma'am?"

I almost ordered a glass of wine. But I had a feeling I was going to need something stronger. "Whiskey sour." It wasn't like I got to enjoy my last one, anyway.

"Since when?"

"My youth. Long story."

"Learned something new about you."

"Learned something new about you, too," I answered.

"What's that?"

"You bought another new aftershave."

He chuckled and went back to the menu. "Do you like it?"

"Best one yet."

"Tell you what. Next one, you pick out."

"Deal." I grinned.

He kept sliding his hand up and down my leg, stopping short of going under my loose dress. It wasn't just his aftershave that I smelled… It was his fear. Since the moment Dennis and Jimmy came into view, the whole situation felt awkward. Forced. I had an inkling why.

I leaned against him. "You don't have to do this you know."


Turning my head, I kissed his cheek. "First, tell me why you set this all up." I already knew the answer, but I don't think he realized the truth of it.

"Because the last time–" He shut up when the waiter brought our drinks. Another server, in a skirt shorter than my dress, walked up to Jimmy and Dennis's table. I growled instinctively.

"Here's your drinks, folks. Need a few minutes?"

"Please," Chief answered for us while I watched the blonde bimbo engage in a little bit of flirt and serve.

Devin glanced at me nervously and left us alone.

"Did you just growl?" Chief's question Copyright 2016 - 2024