For Seven Nights Only - Sarah Ballance Page 0,36

and fucking lost.

She was so tight. So hot. He did the first of two things he couldn’t resist… He lowered to his elbows, propping just enough to keep from crushing her with his weight, and claimed her mouth. Long, slow, and lazy, his kisses swallowed her every whimper as he rocked his hips against her, driving hard. Every intention he held of taking it easy was obliterated by the exploding intensity between them.

Fuck. Yes.

His fingers were tangled in her hair, his tongue in her mouth. She sucked and licked it, drowning him. Saving him.

He pushed to one knee, changing up the angle and driving harder. The result was instant. Before a gasp even left her lips, she was shuddering, her spasms sending him careening into oblivion. His ears fucking rang from the force of his own orgasm.

“Oh my God.”

“Yeah. Right there with you.”

He hadn’t moved. He was still buried inside her.

And then it hit him. This was the part where he took off, but he didn’t want to go anywhere. He didn’t want to move. Not unless it was for a new position—a new angle from which to discover her body.

He’d never wanted another angle.

God…he’d never really kissed a woman during sex. He did plenty to get there, but that added layer of intimacy had always been a means to an end. Never part of the act. And realizing that made him want to kiss her again. Gently, he explored her mouth, slanting his head for new angles, discovering new pieces of her. Before long, her breathlessness took on a new tone, and she was tilting her hips, forcing him impossibly deeper. He needed a second condom before they went there, so as much as it pained him, he withdrew.

“Where are you headed?” she asked. “And what about my tips?”

He almost laughed. He had a tip for her, all right, but it had nothing to do with her stellar bedroom skills. Her ex was not just an ass, but a really dumb one.

“Right here.” He punctuated that by closing his mouth on her breast. She immediately grabbed his head and arched against him, pushing him into sweet, uncharted territory. He sucked one side and fingered the other, twisting the tight nipple between his fingers. Then he switched sides, leaving her gasping. Once he’d left her whimpering, he worked his way lower, kissing his way from her breast to her stomach to the crease of her inner thigh. Every time she adjusted her hips, he outmaneuvered her.

“What. Are. You. Doing?”

“If you can’t figure it out, I must be doing it wrong.”

“Sawyer, God help me if you don’t…”

He stood, temporarily abandoning her and doing a piss-poor job of burying his smirk. “Are you trying to say I didn’t satisfy you?”

“How about you satisfied me so well, I’d like to do it again?”

“Ah.” He turned and headed for the bathroom. As he walked away, he said, “Good to know.” Once in the bathroom, he tossed the trash, cleaned up a bit, and walked back out to find her digging through her dresser.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I said I wanted to do it again, and you walked away.” She extracted a shirt and held it up. “This is mostly a last-ditch effort to save my dignity.”

He closed his hand over her much smaller one. “No. You got it all wrong.”

She froze. “How’s that?”

He took both her hands and walked her backward to the bed, then fell against her. They hit the mattress together, and he kissed her hard. Kissed her breathless. Then he once again took that journey south, pausing just before he tasted her. “Brace yourself, sweetheart. Your wish is my command.”

He then plunged inside her, leaving her gasping for more.

And he made good on his promise to give it to her.

All night long.

Chapter Ten

Kelsie woke to snoring. And growling. Marmaduke, having somehow let himself into the bedroom, was furiously tearing at the comforter over Sawyer. The lightweight dog barely budged the heavy blanket.

“Marmaduke! Get. Down.” Kelsie barely managed to summon the stern voice to which she knew the dog would respond. She was too caught up in staring at Sawyer. She’d never had the opportunity to study him so openly—not without expecting him to catch her. She felt like she discovered a new side of him there, in the innocence of sleep. Dark lashes rested in utter contentment. His mouth was soft, his face relaxed. Not for the first time she saw past the playboy, but she’d never seen him quite Copyright 2016 - 2024