Servant of the Empire Page 0,51

since our raid the Acoma have doubled the guards on all their trade caravans.

Rumours circulate that secret goods lie hidden under every bushel of grain. By the flurry of covert activity, we conclude that one real treasure exists, a treasure our enemy have determined at all costs to keep secret.' Iwo"

excitement dissolved in a frustrated sigh. 'How I wish I had an informant in Mara's inner household! Something important is under way, something we nearly discovered accidentally in our raid near Sulan-Qu. Why else should minor sortie provoke such elaborate countermeasures?'~

Desio reached for his ice glass and swirled the last, melting chips in the dregs. 'She's sent messengers to Dustari too. No doubt to invite Chipino of the Xacatecas to park on his return from the borders. If he accepts, the Acoma will: almost certainly gain an alliance.'

Only Tasaio remained unmoved before the evidence of setbacks. Gently he said, 'Let that bide, cousin. I have a~

long-range plan for Mara that might take two years to bring to fruition.'

'Two years!' Desio slammed his mug on a side table. 'If that cho-ja hive is breeding warriors, each spring Mara's estates become that much more unassailable.'

Tasaio waved this aside. 'Let Mara grow strong at home.

For we will not deal with her on her own ground. Gone are the days we could dream of overwhelming her estate by main force.' His voice turned reflective. 'We would win, of course, but be so depleted we would not survive the certain onslaught from other enemies. Were I Chipino of the Xacatecas or Andero of the Keda, I would welcome an open confrontation between the Acoma and the Minwanabi.'

Desio became sulky when anyone else tried to tell him what to do. Incomo watched as his master sucked his last ice cube between his teeth. Finally the Lord of the Minwanabi said, 'I may come to regret my rashness in vowing Minwanabi blood should we fail to crush the Acoma. I had hoped to spur our people to end the matter quickly. But the Red God gave us no time limit-' he glanced heavenward and made a luck sign, just in case he was wrong-'so we might do well to proceed cautiously. We cannot spare fifty seasoned warriors for each grain wagon Mara sends out.'

With a nod, Desio said, 'Cousin, let's hear your plan.'

Tasaio responded obliquely. 'Do smugglers still operate between the Empire and the desert lands in Tsubar?' he asked the First Adviser. ~

Incomo shrugged. 'Almost certainly. The nomads still covet luxuries, especially jades and silk. And they have to import swords from somewhere, since resin-producing trees do not flourish in the desert.'

Tasaio nodded almost imperceptibly. 'Then I suggest we send an envoy to the ruins at Banganok, to offer the nomads weapons and jades and rich bribes to step up their raids on the borders.'

'Xacatecas' forces would stay preoccupied.' Desio jumped ahead. 'His return to the mainland would be delayed, along with any possible alliance with Mara.'

'That is the least advantage, my Lord.' Tasaio slipped his fingers out of his archer's glove. He flexed his hands as though warming up his grip for the sword, and outlined the steps of a bold plot.

The Minwanabi would cultivate relations with the desert raiders, beginning with bribes to keep the Xacatecas forces pinned down in defence. Over a period of two years, the bribes would be escalated, forming the pretence of alliance.

Minwanabi soldiers would add to the raiders' ranks, disguised as tribesmen allies. At a moment judged most propitious, a grand offensive would be mounted on the Empire's borders. In emergency meeting, the High Council would order the Lady of the Acoma to go to the aid of the Lord of the Xacatecas.

At mention of this, Incomo brightened. 'Mare must lead her relief troops in person or spoil her overtures toward alliance. And if she sends less than her full support in the field, she proves lack of sincerity in her promises.'

'She would be drawn far from her estates, along with most of her cho-ja,'Desio cut in. 'We could mount raids' : Tasaio silenced him with a slightly raised eyebrow. 'Better than that, cousin. Much better.' He went on, ticking off points on his fingers in the manner of a tactician. Mara had no military training, and her only officer with command experience in the field was Keyoke. If her call to arms in Dustari ~]

could be timed as a surprise, she would be handed a crisis. She ~

must strip her outer holdings, hire mercenary guards Copyright 2016 - 2024