Servant of the Empire Page 0,39

came other emotions, equally disturbing, and Mara crossed her arms to bold herself tightly, as if she could force her body to stillness. Control returned with difficulty, as she employed her mental exercises yet again.

When at last she regained her composure, she let out a long breath. Never had she needed to employ that exercise three times. With a mustered 'Dame that man!' she called servants to ready her bath. She rose, and added,'And damn his wrongheaded pride!' As she heard the bustle of servants racing to do her bidding, she amended her comment: 'Damn all wrongheaded pride.'

Mara studied the outworlder, again in the red light of sunset. Heat invaded her study, despite the open screens to the garden, admitting the faint evening breezes, yet Kevin was more relaxed than previously. His fingers still toyed with the fringes of the cushion, a habit no Tsurani would permit. Mara counted it an unconscious act, signifying nothing. Obviously the implications of being allowed to live had finally registered on the outworlder. He studied Mara as intently as she studied him.

This strange, handsome- in an alien way- slave had forced her to examine long-held beliefs and set certain

'truths' aside. For the balance of the previous night and most of the day Mara had sorted out impressions, emotions, and thoughts. Twice she had been so irritated by this necessity she had been tempted to send soldiers to have the man beaten or even killed, but she recognized that the impulse stemmed from her personal frustration and resolved not to blame the messenger for the message. And the lesson was clear: things are not as they appear to be.

For some peculiar reason she wished to play this man in an intimate version of the Great Game. The challenge had been made the moment he had forced her to submit to his rules Very well, she thought, as she regarded him, you have made the rules, but you will still lose. She didn't understand why it was important to vanquish this slave, but her intent to do so matched her desire to see the Minwanabi ground into the dust. Kevin must come to be her subject in ever'

way, giving her the same unquestioning obedience as every other member of her household.

Kevin had been in her presence for nearly ten minutes, silently waiting as she finished reading reports. Reaching for her opening gambit, she said, 'Would you care for something to drink? The interrogation may prove long.

He weighed her words well enough to know she did not offer conciliation, then shook his head. After another silence, she asked, 'On your world is it possible for a slave to go free?'

Kevin's mouth crooked in irony. His fingers flicked, and fringes scattered in a snap of pent-up frustration. 'Not in the Kingdom, for only criminals with life punishment are sold as slaves. But in Kesh and Queg, a slave who pleases his master may earn freedom as a reward. Or he may escape and make his way across the borders. It happens.'

Mara watched his hands. Flick, flick, one finger after another lashed the fringes; his emotions could be read like a scroll. Distracted by his openness, the Lady struggled to pursue her line of thought, to explore her improbable supposition one step further.

'And once across the borders, such a runaway might accumulate wealth and live in honour among other men?'

'Yes.' Kevin thumped his palms on his knees and leaned back at his ease on one elbow, ready to add more, but Mara cut him off.

'Then you believe that if you were to find a way back across the rift to your own world, you would be able to regain your position, your honour, and your title?'

'Lady,' said Kevin with a patronizing smile, 'not only would I reclaim my former position, I would have won distinction, for contriving escape from my enemies, to once again take the field to oppose them, and to give hope to future captives that they might also find freedom. It is the duty of a captured . . . soldier to escape, in my nation.'

Mara's brows rose. Again she was forced to re-examine her concepts of honour, loyalty, and where one's best interests lay. The barbarian's words made sense, in an oddly disquieting way. These people were not intractable, or stupid, but acting within a strange culture's tenets; she grappled with the concept stubbornly. If, within Kevin's society, his defiance was seen as heroic, his behaviour made a perverted sort of sense. Leading Copyright 2016 - 2024