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gained by intrigue. With a grunt that passed for laughter, Incomo shared out his own latest gleanings.

'The Lord of the Xacatecas is a man worthy of . . . if not fear, then deep respect. His position in the High Council, though, is not advantageous at the moment.' with a flash of perfect teeth, he added, 'Our most noble Warlord was somewhat put out with the Xacatecas' reluctance to expand his interests in the conquest of the barbarian world. Some political byplay resulted, and when the dust settled, Lord Xacatecas wound up with military responsibility for our tiny province across the sea. Chipino of the Xacatecas languishes in Dustari at the moment, commanding the garrison that holds the only noteworthy pass through the mountains to Tsubar. The desert raiders are active, at last report, so l expect he has his hands full - let us hope too full to concern himself with advances toward the Acoma.'

Finished with his servants, and left with nothing to do but anticipate his elaborate midafternoon feast, Desio picked up on the conversation. He waved one pudgy hand to restore proper attention to himself and said, 'I advised my father on that plan, Tasaio.'

The First Adviser refrained from pointing out that all Desio had done was sit in the room while Incomo and Jingu had discussed means to get Xacatecas occupied.

'Well then,' said Tasaio, 'if Xacatecas is busy guarding our frontiers across the sea, we can focus our attention upon Lady Mara.'

Desio nodded and leaned back upon his imposing pile of cushions. With his eyes half-closed, and an obvious enjoyment of his newfound authority, he said, 'I think your plan a wise one, cousin. See to it.'

Tasaio bowed to his Lord as if his dismissal had not been that of a thankless underling; all pride and spare movement, he left the private study. Incomo buried his regret at the young warrior's departure. Resigned to the life the gods gave, he forced himself to attend the less glorious realities Tsurani life; no matter what plots of blood and murder might drive the Game of the Council, other mundane matters remained to be considered. 'My Lord, if you' agreeable, there are some grain transactions your hadonra needs to discuss with you.'

More interested in thoughts of his lunch, Desio seemed less than anxious to deal with the prosaic side of family business. But as if his cousin's icy competence had awakened him to responsibility, he realized that he must. He nodded and waited without complaint as Incomo sent for Murgali, the hadonra.
Chapter 5 Entanglement
Breezes rustled the leaves.

The perfume of akasi flowers and trimmed greens filled Mara's personal quarters. Only one lamp was lit against the coming night, and that had but a small flame. The flicker painted a changing picture, as, each moment, details emerged from shadow: a gemstone's glint, highlights on polished jade fittings, fine embroidery or enamel work. Just as the eye beheld the splendid aspect, the gloom returned.

Although surrounded by beauty, the Lady of the Acoma was oblivious to the richness of her furnishings; her mind was elsewhere.

Mara reclined amid a nest of cushions, while a maid worked out the tangles in her unbound hair with a scented shell comb. The Lady of the Acoma wore a green silk robe, shatra birds worked in wheat-coloured thread around the collar and shoulders. The low lighting touched her olive skin to soft gold, an effect a more self-aware woman would have noticed. But Mara had finished her girlhood as a novice of Lashima, and as Ruling Lady she had no time for feminine vanity. Whatever beauty a man might find in gazing upon her was simply another weapon in her arsenal.

With a directness any Tsurani nobleman would have found disconcerting, she questioned the barbarian who sat before her on his homeworld's customs and cultures. Kevin seemed utterly unaffected by the lack of social protocol, plunging directly to the heart of matters. By this, Mara judged his people blunt to the point of rudeness. She watched as he struggled to describe concepts alien to her language; haltingly groping to express himself, he spoke about his land and people. He was a quick study, and vocabulary improved daily. Right now he attempted amuse her by telling a joke that had been 'making the rounds' in Zun, whatever that meant.

Kevin wore no robe. The servants had tried in vain outfit him, but nothing on hand had been large enough. In the end they had settled for a loincloth, and Copyright 2016 - 2024