Servant of the Empire Page 0,152

strides. The slaves flashed terrified glances over their shoulders, and suddenly the dogs were upon them.

Wind brought back a human scream as the lead hound sprang stifflegged upon the trailing man's back. He pitched forward, flailing desperately, but jaws closed on the nape of his neck. The cries ceased but only for an instant. The other hound overtook the leader, ripped out a hamstring, and the slave went down with a shriek. A chorus of harrowing wails and snarls rang across the practice field. Desio licked his lips. He watched the thrashing victim with wide, fascinated eyes, and laughed at his feeble attempt to save himself. The dogs were clever and swift. They darted and circled, tearing exposed flesh, then dodging as swiftly away.

'A man armed with a knife would not easily escape them,'

Jiro observed. 'They were trained to kill carefully.'

Desio sighed. 'Magnificent, truly magnificent.' He savoured every moment of the carnage, until the struggles of the slaves subsided, and the hounds closed in for a firm grip.

One tore its victim's throat out, and the last cry died away.

Into uncomfortable stillness, Desio said,'Like the legendary battle hounds in the sagas.'

Jiro shrugged. 'Perhaps. The wardogs of legend might have been akin to these.' As if he were bored by the topic, he bowed to Desio. 'Since they please you, keep them as my gift to you, Lord of the Minwanabi. Hunt them, and as they kill at your command, think kindly on our afternoon's discussion.'

Flushed with delight, Desio returned the bow. 'Your generosity enriches me, Jiro.' Softly he added, 'More than you will know.'

Jiro could not match his host's enjoyment; but the Lord of the Minwanabi barely noticed, absorbed as he was by the hounds' bloodthirsty feasting. 'Allow me to provide you and your men with quarters,' he murmured. 'We will dine and I shall see your every need is met.'

'I regret to decline your kindness,' Jiro returned, almost quickly. 'But I am expected downriver to sup with a trade factor of my father's.'

'Another time, then.' Desio whistled twice, and the dogs ceased worrying the mangled corpses. The beasts stood alert, scarlet, dripping muzzles trained toward their new master. Desio blew another shrill pair of blasts. As the beasts raced obediently toward him, he thought of Mara, and long white fangs rending her hated flesh. Then he laughed aloud. Unmindful of soiling his robes, he patted each square head before slipping the leashes on the collars.

'Wonderful,' he observed to the silent ranks of his honour guard, and the stiff-faced presence of his First Adviser. 'A worthy gift for one of my lineage.' Gripping the slightly larger dog's muzzle, he said, 'You I shall call Slayer.'

Stroking the other dog on its smeared nose, he added, 'And you shall henceforward be Slaughter.'

The hounds whined and meekly settled at his feet. Desio raised blue eyes to the guest he had all but forgotten. 'Your generosity is unparalleled, Jiro. I must see that your visit with us results in a fruitful reward.'

The shadows of the hills had lengthened. Regretfully, Desio whistled his new pets to heel. His gaze never left them, the entire distance back to the docks, and he sighed with regret when the crate was unloaded, and the dogs securely locked inside for transfer to the Minwanabi kennels. Jiro took his leave and boarded his barge, and his polemen sculled him out across waters deepening with the approach of sunset.

Desio stripped off the stinking gloves, and gestured for Incomo to accompany him to his quarters. 'I wish a hot bath.'

The First Adviser restrained a curl of his lip. His master reeked of the urine that soaked the gloves, and his sandals had been spattered by the dogs. Drenched in perspiration, and talking excitedly, Desio glowed as if with a lust for sex.

Incomo realized he hadn't seen the master so aroused since Jingu had ordered slave girls whipped for his amusement.

'Those dogs are . . . unusual,' the First Adviser ventured.

Desio said, 'More than that. They are a reflection of myself. Unrelenting, unmerciful, bringing pain and destruction to enemies. They are Minwanabi dogs.'

Incomo hid consternation as he followed on his master's heels into the estate house. Desio clapped for his bath attendants, then added, 'I know Jiro has his own reasons for tempting me to betray my oath to Turakamu, but whatever they may be, he has gained my favour with Slayer and Slaughter.'

Incomo managed a magnanimous tilt of his head. 'I am; sure my master will be cautious of unreasonable Copyright 2016 - 2024