Servant of the Empire Page 0,12

at whichever member of his household happened to be nearest. The young Lord had evidenced a nature of petty cruelty while his father ruled, but that vicious streak had bloomed in full since the death of Jingu. With his mother having retired to a convent of Lashima, Desio showed no restraints on his impulses. The fan slave paced after his master, attempting to discharge his tasks without getting in the way.

Hoping to avoid the incapacitation of another house slave, the First Adviser said,'My Lord, perhaps a cool drink would restore your patience. These matters of trade are urgent.'

Desio continued pacing as if he did not hear. His appearance revealed his recent personal neglect and indulgence, florid cheeks and nose, puffy dark circles beneath his red-rimmed eyes, grimy hair hanging lankly around his shoulders, and greasy dirt under his fingernails. Incomo reflected that, since his father's ritual suicide, the young Lord had generally acted like an itchy needra bull in a mud wallow with a dozen cows, an odd way to show his grief, but not unheard of: those confronted by death for the first time often embrace life-affirming behaviour. So, for days, Desio had remained drunk in his private quarters with his girls and ignored the affairs of House Minwanabi.

On the second morning some of the girls reappeared, bruised and battered from Desio's passionate rages. Other girls replaced them in a seemingly inexhaustible succession, until the Lord of the Minwanabi had finally thrown off his fit of grief. He had emerged looking ten years older than at the moment he had silently watched his father fall upon the family sword.

Now Desio made a pretence of running the far-flung holdings he had inherited, but his drinking began at midday and continued into the night. Although Lord of one of the Five Great Families of the Empire, Desio seemed unable to acknowledge the enormous responsibility that went with his power. Tormented by personal demons, he tried to hide from them in soft arms or wash them away with a sea of wine. Had Incomo dared, he would have sent his master a healer, a priest, and a child's teacher who would issue a stiff lecture on the responsibilities that accompanied the ruler's mantle. But one look in Desio's eyes - and the madness hinted there - warned the First Adviser any such efforts would be futile. Desio's spirit boiled with a rage only the Red God might answer.

Incomo tried one last time to turn Desio's attention back to business. 'My Lord, if I may point out, we are losing days while our ships lie empty in their berths in Jamar. If they are to sail to-'

'Enough!' Desio's fist crashed against a partition, tearing the delicate painted silk and splintering the frame. He kicked the wreckage to the floor, then whirled and collided with his fan slave. Enraged beyond reason, the Lord of the Minwanabi struck the man as if he were furniture. The slave crashed to his knees, a broken nose and lacerated lip spraying blood across his face, his chest, and the smashed partition. In fear for his very life, the slave managed to keep the large fan from striking his master, despite being halfblind from pain and tears. Desio remained oblivious to the slave's heroic deference. He rounded to confront his adviser.

'I cannot concentrate on anything, so long as she is out there!'

Incomo required no explanation to know to whom his master referred. Experience taught him there was nothing to do but sit back and endure another outburst. 'My Lord,' he said anxiously, 'no good will be gained in yearning for vengeance should all your wealth dwindle through neglect.

If you will not attend to these decisions, at least permit your hadonra to take matters in hand.'

The plea made no impression on Desio. Staring into the distance, his voice a harsh whisper, as if to speak the hated name were to give it substance, he whispered, 'Mare of the Acoma must die!'

Glad now for the dark room, which hid his own fears, Incomo agreed. 'Of course, my Lord. But this is not the time.'

'When!' he shouted, his bellow hurting Incomo's ears.

Desio kicked at a pillow, then lowered his voice to a more reasonable tone. 'When ? She contrived to escape my father's trap; and more: she forced him to dishonour his own pledge for the safety of a guest, compelling him to kill himself in shame.' Desio's agitation simmered higher as he recounted Mara's offences against his house. Copyright 2016 - 2024