The Serpent in the Stone - By Nicki Greenwood Page 0,8

her powers begging to be released. Her heartbeat slammed so hard she couldn’t catch her breath. Not now, not now— Swallowing, she looked up.

His expression had gone dead serious, and his gaze skimmed her body. Something stirred, heated, in those stormy depths. He searched her face—looking for the change?—and leaned closer. Closer. If she raised her chin, and shifted just...a little...bit...

“Hello?” came a voice from outside the tent. A moment later, Faith ducked in. “Well, this is interesting.”

Sara yanked her hand out of Ian’s and sat back so quickly, she almost pitched over.

Faith smiled. “Where’ve you been? I thought you’d be back by now.” She turned to Ian. Her gaze fell on his sling. “What happened?”

“I dislocated my shoulder,” he answered, standing up. He tested the joint with his opposite hand.

Sara watched her sister’s entire attitude change at the admittedly pleasant timbre of Ian’s voice. Faith burst into a brilliant smile. “I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Faith Markham, Sara’s sister.”

“Ian Waverly.” He shook her outstretched hand, then stepped back to allow her room. “Sara was helping me put my shoulder back into joint. Come in.”

“Really? You all right?” When he nodded, she added, “I started to worry when you didn’t come back down, Sara. Breakfast has been over for half an hour.” Faith sidled into the tent, crouched down, and helped her gather the spilled contents of the first-aid kit. Wo-o-o-ow! she mouthed, eyes bright.

Sara flushed and glanced up through her lashes at Ian. His gaze took on an intensity that made her heart start thumping again, equal parts foreboding and something much more disturbing. She took a box of bandages from her sister and put it away. “We’d better go,” she said, shoving the kit back under the bed. “I’ve probably already missed breaking ground.”

“Not really,” Faith interrupted with a cheerful shrug. “We’ve been busy setting markers. I’ll just go back down and let the guys know you’re okay.” She stood again.

Sara shot to her feet. “I’m coming with you. Just give me a second.”

Faith gave her a last, knowing look. “Nice to meet you, Ian. Come down for dinner, if you get the chance.” She left the tent.

Before Sara could follow, Ian stopped her at the tent doorway with a hand on her arm. She stiffened, struggled for something to say. “You should put some ice on that shoulder.”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

She eased out of his grasp and hurried away.

She caught up with her sister partway down the slope. As she drew alongside, Faith said, “You can lose it, now. He’s out of earshot.”

“You are the biggest thorn in my side I’ve ever known,” Sara said, “but your timing is impeccable, so thank you.”

“Yeah, you looked like you were dying for an interruption back there.” Her sister shrugged. “I used to hate that term ‘bedroom eyes,’ but I have to admit, he’s got ’em. If I were you, I’d have told me to piss off and come back later.”

“You’re not funny.”

“Come on. You’re going to die an old maid at this rate. I only wanted to meet him and see what my sister’s all flustered about.”

“Flustered! He was climbing down the cliff, and his rope broke! I had to use telekinesis on him!”

At that, Faith stopped dead, blood draining from her face. “What?”

“As the wolf, he only saw the wolf.” Sara’s breath escaped her. Now that she was free to panic, the weight on her chest doubled.

“Oh, God,” Faith murmured. “He knows, then?”

“Well, I didn’t take out an advertisement, but I’m sure he’s bright enough to figure out that something’s not quite right. Would you just happen to volunteer to work on the same island as me, if you were him?”

“All right, all right. Don’t bite my head off. I’m as freaked out as you are.”

“I somehow doubt that. For all he knows, you’re normal,” Sara said.

“I’m worried about you, half-wit. What did he say?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Which, if you’re wondering, is a hundred times worse than questions might have been.”

By the time they reached their camp, the digging had begun. Dustin and Thomas had laid out the parameters of their site with Eurocon’s usual efficiency. Not for the first time, Sara wondered if it wouldn’t have been smarter to join Lamb at his firm in London than to strike out on their own, but she was damn proud of the way they’d clawed their way up from the bottom. No matter what else she and Faith were, no one could take that away from them.

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