Serafina and the Silent Vampire - By Marie Treanor Page 0,64

keep company—hang out, you would say—with my disreputable old friends.”

“Is that how you met Phil?”

“Oh no. I met Phil in Edinburgh later. Because, of course, my old acquaintances grew old and died and naturally wondered why I didn’t. I began to understand the difficulties of this existence and traveled for a long time. Europe, America, Africa, Asia, even Australia. I did them all over the centuries, but I always ended up coming back to Scotland. Never where I used to live. I avoid Lochiel and Glasgow, but Edinburgh suits me very well.”

Her eyes were steady on his, uncomfortably perceptive. For the first time, he began to wonder if she’d managed to learn anything about him by touching something in his home last night. She was appallingly sensitive. He’d spoken quite naturally, and of course, she’d sense any untruth, but there were certain things he was not willing to think about, let alone discuss.

Distracting her, he said, “Phil was a philosophy student at Edinburgh University when he died of tuberculosis. Can’t even remember what his real name is.”

A soft light of amusement crept into her eyes. “‘Phil’ is short for ‘philosopher’?”

“Afraid so.”

“Weird that you’ve lived so long… Do you still like being a vampire? Do you never get bored?”

This was the conversation he didn’t want to have. Not yet.

“Boredom is the curse of the vampire,” he said lightly, and to distract her, he rolled her under him and pushed inside her once more. She gasped, and rather to his surprise gave a weary but instinctive wriggle to welcome him. “And you are the best cure I’ve found in decades. So much so that I find it hard to leave you alone. Tell me to stop, tell me to leave you now, or I’ll make love to you again and be trapped here with the dawn.”

A frown twitched at her brow—impossible to tell if it was desire or irritation, but her deep blue eyes were serious, almost luminous as they gazed up into his. He held her helpless, captive, and gloried in it. He wanted to take her, absorb her whole body, sex and blood, and he could do it so very easily with so much pleasure. She’d die happy in the throes of the best orgasm of her short life.

But she would die.

He couldn’t remember the ambiguity of vampire sex ever being this strong before. He stroked her hair, smiling ruefully as he began to ease out of her.

Unexpectedly, she clung to him, holding on to him with her arms around his back and her legs around his hips. “You wouldn’t go now, would you?” she whispered. She sounded almost frightened. “Stay with me. Make love to me again; sleep with me.”

With her words, her body began to move, undulating on his shaft, and of course, he moved with her. She smiled, spurring him on with her blatant triumph. “I think I’ve had more sex with you tonight than I’ve had in the rest of my life put together.”

“It’s about the quality as well as the quantity, you know.”

She bit his shoulder, caressing his skin with her lips, as her hands slid down to his buttocks, drawing him closer into her. “The quality seems just fine to me. I suppose you would get pretty good at sex after three hundred years.”

“You learn a lot,” he admitted, holding the pace, keeping it slow and gentle. “You learn that there’s more to good sex than technique. Although,” he added, giving her the slower version of the little twist she loved, “that’s bound to help. Have you ever been fucked to sleep before, Serafina?”

Something like a strangled laugh escaped her. She was exhausted and yet craving more of him. He was almost scared by how much he liked that knowledge.

“No,” she managed. “And I can’t imagine I ever will be. Unless it’s really boring sex.”

“Am I boring you?”

“Oh no,” she said fervently. “I can’t believe how often we’ve done this. I should be dead of sex.”

“No, you should just be asleep. Close your eyes; let me do the work. I’m told the happiest sleeps come when you drift off in orgasm.”

“That isn’t possible.”

“Believe,” he said, watching her eyes close. He kissed her eyelids and her lips, softly, gently rocking her toward orgasm. It must have been like a dream to her by the time she came. He felt her convulse around him, was smugly pleased by the smile on her lips as the last fringes of sleep fell over her.

A good man, he supposed, Copyright 2016 - 2024