Serafina and the Silent Vampire - By Marie Treanor Page 0,61

just happen to be a vampire. As you happen to be psychic. Open your mind and your body to me, Serafina. I’m coming in.”

He pushed inside her, and she cried out with pleasure. Perhaps it was surprise that ripped open her mind, but suddenly he was there, and she saw every ounce of his overwhelming lust, the blissful effect of her every caress and his. She knew he could see her pleasure too, and didn’t mind in the slightest. For the first time ever, she gloried in her desire, in her arousal, in the absolute pleasure of sex. She wanted him to see. It made her powerful, it made her sexy, and she loved it. She loved what he was doing to her body and what she was doing to his.

She arched her hips wildly to take him deeper, ran her hands all over his cool back, feeling crossed lines of raised tissue.

“What are those?” she murmured breathlessly. He lifted his head to gaze into her face as he moved inside her.

“Scars from my human existence. Do they disgust you?”

“Nothing about you disgusts me right now.” She clung to him, moving with him, twisting on him as he changed his angle and found the special place she loved best. “Oh Jesus,” she whispered.

He smiled, his eyes alight with triumph, and kissed her mouth while she came. He continued to thrust inside her all through the orgasm, holding her there, spreading the joy through to every nerve in her body. And when she was calmer, he rose up to a sitting position between her legs, took hold of her hips and increased the tempo. He seemed to be even deeper inside her, holding her on the edge of another tide of pleasure as he rode her. He didn’t even look out of breath, just overcome with lust. His eyes were excitingly dark and clouded, his parted lips curving and moving with every spark of bliss he took from her body. He looked like some golden, beautiful god, all powerful. And Sera, who had never voluntarily given up any control to anyone since she was eleven years old, surrendered utterly to Blair.

As if he felt it, he smiled and laid one hand deliberately on the junction of her legs, his finger slipping over her clitoris. Pleasure exploded like dynamite in her head, her whole body, twisting her into a writhing, gasping, moaning animal. He fell forward into her, his discipline finally vanishing into his own climax. His groans were music in her mind, feeding her orgasm and her happiness.

His kiss was huge and sensual, his mouth trembling with pleasure as it ravished hers and slid across her jaw. He buried his face in her throat, thrusting hard into her once more, and as she gasped at the fresh waves of pleasure opening from the last, she felt his teeth graze her neck. There was pain, sharp enough to make her cry out and yet not bad enough to halt the pleasure still tearing her apart.

Somewhere, she knew he’d bitten her; knew that he was sucking the blood from her veins into his own body. But what she felt was only an incredible stream of wild, new ecstasy as the blood whizzed through her veins and into his greedy mouth.

“Oh Jesus Christ, you taste amazing,” he whispered in her mind. “Strong and sweet and—oh fuck, I’ll never have enough of you.”

His body still contorted in the throes of orgasm, he seemed to gather strength for a mighty effort before he dragged his teeth from her flesh. His tongue, sweet and soothing, licked her throat, and it felt exactly right with the profound satisfaction of fading orgasm.

She held on to him tightly, lost in the moment, as was only right. Hovering at the edge of consciousness was the knowledge that something huge had happened to her, was still happening, and that she didn’t want it to stop.

He said, “There. I told you you’d like it.”

She smiled into his shoulder. “The biting? I never realized I was so kinky. It seemed hard for you to stop.” Later, she thought, she would worry about that.

“It is hard to stop,” he admitted. “Which is why young vampires often drain their prey without meaning to. In conjunction with sex, it’s even harder. There was never a harder moment for me.”

She wriggled and took his face between her hands to look at him. “Then how do you do it? What made you stop there?”

“The knowledge that I’d kill you Copyright 2016 - 2024