Serafina and the Black Cloak - Robert Beatty Page 0,8

she made herself small and pressed herself through the narrow slot of one of the machines.

When Serafina was born, there had been a number of things physically different about her. She had four toes on each foot rather than five, and although it was not noticeable just by looking at her, her collarbones were malformed such that they didn’t connect properly to her other bones. This allowed her to fit into some pretty tight spots. The opening in the machine was no more than a few inches wide, but as long as she could fit her head into something, she could push her whole body through. She wedged herself inside, into a dark little spot where she hoped the man in the black cloak wouldn’t find her.

She tried to be quiet, she tried to be still, but she panted like a little animal. She was exhausted, breathless, and frightened beyond her wits. She’d seen the girl in the yellow dress consumed by the shadow-filled folds and knew the man in the black cloak was coming for her next. Her only hope was that he couldn’t hear the deafening pound of her heartbeat.

She heard him walking slowly down the hallway outside the kitchen. He’d lost her in the darkness, but he moved methodically from room to room, looking for her.

She heard him in the main kitchen, opening the doors of the cast-iron ovens. If I’d hidden there, she thought, I’d be dead now.

Then she heard him clanging through the copper pots, looking for her in the ceiling rack. If I’d hidden there, she thought, I’d be dead again.

“There’s nothing to be frightened of,” he whispered, trying to coax her out.

She listened and waited, trembling like a field mouse.

Finally, the man in the black cloak made his way into the laundry room.

Mice are timid and prone to panic-induced mistakes at key moments.

She heard the man moving from place to place, rummaging beneath the sinks, opening and closing the cabinets.

Just stay still, little mouse. Just stay still, she told herself. She wanted to break cover and flee so bad, but she knew that the dead mice were the dumb mice that panicked and ran. She told herself over and over again, Don’t be a dumb mouse. Don’t be a dumb mouse.

Then he came into the drying area where she was and moved slowly through the room, running his hands over the ghostly sheets.

If I’d hidden there…

He was just a few feet away from her now, looking around the room. Even though he couldn’t see her, he seemed to sense that she was there.

Serafina held her breath and stayed perfectly, perfectly, perfectly still.

Serafina slowly opened her eyes.

She didn’t know how long she’d been asleep or even where she was. She found herself crammed into a tight, dark space, her face pressed up against metal.

She heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She stayed quiet and listened.

It was a man in work boots, tools jangling. Feeling a burst of happiness, she wriggled her way out of the machine and into the morning sunlight pouring through the laundry windows.

“Here I am, Pa!” she cried, her voice parched and weak.

“I’ve been gnawin’ on leather lookin’ for you,” her pa scolded. “You weren’t in your bed this mornin’.”

She ran forward and hugged him, pressing herself into his chest. He was a large and hardened man with thick arms and rough, calloused hands. His tools hung from his leather apron, and he smelled faintly of metal, oil, and the leather straps that drove the workshop’s machines.

In the distance, she heard the sounds of the staff arriving for the morning, the clanking of pots in the kitchen, and the conversations of the workers. It was a glorious sound to her ears. The danger of the night was gone. She had survived!

Wrapped in her father’s arms, she felt safe and at home. He was more accustomed to mallets and rivets than a kind word, but he’d always taken care of her, always loved and protected her. She couldn’t hold back the tears of relief stinging her eyes.

“Where’ve ya been, Sera?” her father asked.

“He tried to get me, Pa! He tried to kill me!”

“What are you goin’ on about, girl?” her pa said suspiciously, holding her by the shoulders with his huge hands. He looked intently into her face. “Is this another one of your wild stories?”

“No, Pa,” she said, shaking her head.

“I ain’t in any kinda mood for stories.”

“A man in a black cloak took a little girl, and then he came Copyright 2016 - 2024