The Sentry - By Robert Crais Page 0,46

internal organs bulged like blue balloons from the abdomen.

“Gutted him. Cut his neck to kill him, then gutted him thinking the body would stay down.”

Pike watched the team maneuver the body, then gazed up the canal. Grand Canal was the longest canal of the six, letting the five smaller canals breathe from the sea through the locks built into the bridge. Pike wondered how long it took for the body to work its way down from the upper canals as the water drained.

“How long has he been in the water?”

“Thanks, Eddie. That’s good.”

The recovery team returned to its work as Button answered Pike’s question.

“Cold as the water is, the window is wide open. More than six, but less than twenty-four. They’ll tighten it up when they get him on the table, but that’s the CI’s best guess for now.”

“Could have happened after. He took them first, and someone killed him after.”

“Whatever you say, Pike. And maybe the one thing doesn’t have anything to do with the other, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

“You find Gomer?”

“You think Gomer killed him?”

“Did Jared make him as the man with Mendoza?”

“Didn’t see him well enough, but I doubt it was Gomer. Gomer’s too lightweight for something like this. You kill someone the way this man was killed, you’re a heavyweight.”

Pike guessed Button probably had several candidates for the kill, and Pike was probably high on the list despite Button’s comment to Futardo.

Futardo moved closer again.

“The homicide detectives want to talk to you. You feel like answering a few questions or you want to lawyer up?”

“Now’s fine.”

Button smiled again.

“I was you, I’d lawyer up.”

“I’m good.”

Pike wasn’t going to tell them anything Button didn’t already know. If he told them more, they would promote him from person of interest to suspect.

Button glanced at Futardo.

“Tell’m they can have him when I’m finished. Stay with them so Pike and I can have a word.”

Button watched her walk away, then turned back to Pike.

“Let me ask you something, between you and me, and I don’t care what you tell the homicide dicks. You know where Smith and his niece are?”


“You think Smith did this?”

The thought had occurred to Pike, but he hesitated before he answered.

“Open the ribs like that, you have to be strong, and you have to know what you’re doing. I don’t know that he has the skill or the strength.”

Button grunted.

“Maybe not, but cooks know their knives. Mendoza and Gomer go to threaten the man like they did in his shop, only this time they get the big surprise.”

“It’s still two on one.”

“Gomer’s a runner. Ran before when you showed up, and this time he beat feet when the knife came out. Then it’s one on one, only the girl’s there to help her uncle. Once the body is down, they panic and decide to get rid of it. Then Smith calls me with that bullshit about Oregon to buy some getaway time.”

“They didn’t have to run. If that’s how it happened, they killed him in self-defense.”

Button grunted again.

“People lose their minds when they kill someone, Pike. That’s why they call it blood simple.”

Pike wondered why Button was sharing his theory, like they were in this together, until he realized Button’s true purpose. He was trying to read whether Pike was involved in the murder or subsequent cover-up with Wilson and Dru.

Pike shrugged, willing to let Button think what he wanted, when Futardo reappeared. She looked excited.

“Boss, they need you over here. It’s important.”

Button told Pike not to leave, and went over to see what the detectives wanted.

The men in the waders had the body on the plastic sheet. Working together, they lifted the body, but their footing in the mud was bad. One of the men slipped, and the body went down.

Pike took out his phone. He was going to let Cole know what was happening when he saw Straw approaching. The man in blue remained on the bridge.

Straw didn’t hurry. He strolled over like a man rehearsing what he wanted to say. When he arrived, he nodded at Pike.

“This time yesterday, I had a serious hard-on for you. Today, not so much.”

Straw paused. Pike knew he was now supposed to ask why Straw no longer had a hard-on, but Pike didn’t ask. He didn’t care. Straw finally nodded toward the homicide crew. The homicide detectives were talking as if they were excited about something, and two were on phones. One trotted to a waiting radio car, and jumped into the back seat as it Copyright 2016 - 2024