Sentinel - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,3

despite all of Malik’s efforts, he hadn’t been able to definitively identify the resistance leaders. All Natalie knew was Zena Stront’s name kept coming up.

A quarter size holo-image of a sleepy Zerna formed on top of the governor’s desk. Her copper-colored hair was mussed and purple smudges shadowed her orange eyes. “It’s been a long night, Stras. What’s so damn important that it couldn’t wait until a more civilized hour?”

Stras looked at his son and said, “Tell her what you overheard in the forest.”

“I saw Salvo in the forest with Velmar Rylin,” Blitz began. “They were arguing about the failed attempt to assassinate Malik Xett. Velmar told Salvo that he hadn’t tried hard enough and that he and Jaron were too busy playing hero to make sure the job concluded the way they had planned.”

Natalie looked at Salvo. Blitz Perian had just accused him of trying to murder his brother. Even attempted murder was a serious accusation, but the silver-haired sentinel didn’t react. Jaron looked just as indifferent to what Blitz was saying. Clearly, they knew something she didn’t.

“Then Velmar argued that it was—”

“It wasn’t Velmar.” Zerna’s sharp insistence drew Natalie’s attention back to the monitors.

“I know what I saw,” Blitz shot back.

“You saw a skinwalker, probably Jaron,” Zerna persisted. “The person you saw might have looked and sounded like Velmar, but I know for a fact it was not him.”

“You know where he is.” It wasn’t a question. Stras leaned closer to the holo-image and lowered his voice. “Is Velmar still alive?”

“For now.” She paused for an enigmatic smile. “If he continues to be as difficult as he’s been the past few days, that might change.”

“Velmar is a serious threat,” Stras flared, gesturing sharply with his hand. “What possible benefit could there be in keeping him alive?”

“Wow, you are bloodthirsty tonight.” Suddenly, her features hardened and her tone turned to ice. “We decide when or if Velmar’s life ends. You and your whelp need to find a way to flip this. Let them think you believed their ruse. Start rumors that Velmar is back and trying to avoid punishment for murdering Tajon or...hells, I don’t know. Use your imagination. Just stir things up as much as you can. We must show everyone that without the Ayrontu, life is chaos.”

Without any sort of farewell, Zerna terminated the holo-com.

Blitz turned on his father, cheeks red with indignation. “Why did you let her talk to you like that?”

The governor shrugged, clearly unaffected by Zerna’s provocation or his son’s criticism. “Zerna has always been a haughty bitch. Nothing I say is going to change that. But she’s right. We have to figure out how to use this to our advantage.”

As they walked back into the outer room Salvo muted the signal. “That was interesting.” He pivoted in his chair, facing the others.

“That woman just admitted that Velmar is a captive,” Natalie said softly. “Shouldn’t we notify the authorities?”

Jaron released a humorless chuckle. “Governor Perian is the ultimate authority in Lake Walker Village. There is no one to notify.”

She lifted both hands in a helpless gesture, starting to understand the frustration the majority of the Sarronti had been feeling for decades. The designations had been instituted to maintain order in the first few years after the Sarronti were forced underground. The regimented structure was supposed to be temporary, but once people experienced power they often refused to give it up. As decades passed, the Ayrontu became richer and more powerful, which left most of the population at the mercy of the elite. It was this systemic injustice that the rebellion was trying to change. “Is Governor Perian one of the resistance leaders, or was he just reporting to Zerna? And what did she mean when she said, ‘we decide?’ Did she mean the other judges?”

“We call them law guardians,” Salvo reminded offhandedly.

“Not all of the guardians are elite.” Jaron shook his head. “I’m not sure who she meant.”

“It could have been the other resistance leaders, or something even more nefarious.” Mirra walked to the kitchen and activated the beverage station as she went on, “Velmar warned us that he had sensed a kwaris shortly before he disappeared. Zerna might have meant them. The timing of Velmar’s disappearance is highly suspect, and it would take someone with incredible power to keep him captive.”

“What or who is kwaris?” Natalie wanted to know. This was the first time she’d heard the term.

Jaron stood and walked toward Natalie as he explained, “A kwaris is rather like a human Copyright 2016 - 2024