The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,5

dealt with immediately. Each day that passed was closer to a war his clan would not survive. Guiles was certain even if Dallis was married off to the Macpherson’s son, it would not stop the greedy laird from conquering their clan. The man would not stop until the entire region in the northeast of Scotland was under his rule.

Dallis paced, unable to sleep.

She went to the window and peered out into the night. The moon was full making it easy to see across the courtyard toward the small village. Sadness enveloped at the thought her father actually thought that by marrying her off to the evil bastard’s son, it would stop the Macpherson from attacking.

The man’s greed knew no bounds. Perhaps the marriage would save her immediate family, however, the clan’s people her father sought to keep safe would not be so lucky. They would be the ones oppressed and mistreated.

Peering down into the courtyard, a bonfire caught her attention. The guardsmen on duty stopped to warm up before continuing on their patrol. Her lips curved at recognizing the figures. Two men laughed at something, and she shook her head. The Tavish brothers were always up to something. They were as handsome as they were incorrigible flirts, who no doubt at the moment planned their next trip to the village where they’d break the heart of a maiden or two.

Past them were another pair of guards who attended to their duties with more seriousness. Dallis moved away from the door at a soft knock.

Guiles walked in, jaw set and slashes for brows lowered. “I got word earlier that the man we sent for has arrived. I will go with Niven to meet him at dawn. Ensure ye stay here. We can’t afford for father to get suspicious. Behave Dallis, I beg of ye.”

“Don’t treat me like a child. I know what is at stake. I just hope this man is as powerful as the tales we were told. Otherwise, we will have no choice but to carry forth in hopes whoever the spy is will not send a warning in time.”

She moved back to the window, looking back out. “Who else will go with ye?”

“No one, just Niven and me. It’s much too risky. Not knowing who to trust.”

Dallis nodded and met her brother’s gaze. “God go with ye brother.”

Her brother left and she sunk to the bed. Weariness weighed heavy on her shoulders while at the same time she felt too alert to sleep. Guiles was about to meet with the one person who could help them to find an infiltrator.

Falling back onto the bed, she considered how to deal with her father and plans for her marriage. Somehow, she’d put him off for a bit. With luck, the plan to unseat the Macpherson would be successful and the problem would go away. Otherwise, she wasn’t sure what to do. Of course, the right thing to do would be what was best for the people.

Her father was fair and just in not choosing her over the needs of many.

In this case, she was only one person who stood to lose the most from such a marriage. If her marriage to the loathsome Cronus Macpherson saved the lives of her people and there was no other choice, she’d do it without hesitation.

But in this instance, it would not matter. Liard Macpherson would not be friendly for long.

Of that she was sure.

Chapter 3

Rays of sunlight trickled through the dense forest, giving just enough light to see. Alasdair wasn’t sure why the men wanted to meet at dawn rather than at night when it would be easier to remain unnoticed. But, what did he care? If they were stupid enough to be out in broad daylight, he’d ensure his own safety before meeting with them.

A short distance from the opening of the caves, he dismounted and left his horse to feed on the new grasses. The animal would not leave, and Alasdair refused to tether his horse in case of danger. Like anyone else, his steed deserved a chance to survive.

On foot, he walked a bit before hiding behind bushes waiting to see who showed up. A few minutes later, deep voices sounded.

The man he’d met the night before was with a light-haired younger man. Alasdair narrowed his eyes and studied the pair.

“Are ye sure this is a good idea?” the younger man asked, looking in several directions.

The other man shrugged. “We’ll know soon enough.”

They dismounted and the man he’d met the Copyright 2016 - 2024