The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,44

even attempted, me included. He has somehow maintained control of my willful daughter.”

There were cheers and laughter from the clan. Alasdair looked to Dallis whose face was flushed and her eyes wide. She stared at her father with a shocked expression.

“Now,” the laird continued. “I have a great surprise for everyone.” He looked to his wife who’d crossed her arms and stared at him as if willing him to continue. It was then Alasdair figured out who actually had made the decision and forced the laird’s hand.

“Dallis join Alasdair,” the laird instructed.

When Dallis came to stand next to him she leaned closer. “What is he doing?” she whispered.

“I don’t know,” he whispered back. “Probably announcing something.”

She gave him a droll look. “Ye don’t say.”

“They have been waiting patiently for my decision regarding their marriage and now I give it. Everyone is invited to come with us to the chapel. My willful daughter and the brave Alasdair will marry this evening.”

There was a collective gasp and Dallis fell to the floor in a dead faint.

Chapter 16

Alasdair’s blurred face came into focus followed by her mother’s. Dallis tried to sit up, but someone held her down. “What happened?”

“Ye fainted,” her mother replied, with a worried look. “How do ye feel?”

“I don’t faint,” Dallis said and pushed the hands from her shoulders and sat up. The room tilted for a bit, but she ignored it. They were in the room next to the great room where Guiles had recuperated. The house was silent.

“Where is everyone?”

“In the chapel,” Alasdair responded with a soft smile. “Unless ye are too unwell to attend, we are getting married.”

Dallis looked down at her dress. It was serviceable, but not the one she would have preferred to marry in. “Mother can ye assist me?” She glared at Alasdair and then at Niven who stood at the door. “Ye both must leave. I will be at the chapel shortly. Wait for me there. Do not let anyone leave.”

She got to her feet, and along with Fiona and her mother, rushed from the room.

Deep chuckles sounded and she ignored them. It was her wedding day and she’d be damned if she’d be going through with it without looking her best.

An hour later, with the bride dressed in layers of lavender and green, Dallis Sinclair and Alasdair Creag were pronounced husband and wife.

A celebration would take place the following day, however Dallis could care less about it. She turned to face the happy faces of the clan’s people and her heart was filled with love at the warmth displayed. This was the happiest day of her life.

When she turned to face Alasdair, he looked over the crowd with what looked to be astonishment. Then looked to her. “My mother and cousin are here.”

Alasdair went to his relatives and embraced them. Although surrounded by curious onlookers, in that moment it was only the three of them. Tears he’d held back for many years fell down his face at knowing the two most important people had come to share this day with him.

“When did ye arrive?” he asked, hugging his mother once again. “I didn’t know.”

“Earlier this day. The laird asked that we remain secluded until now so that we could surprise ye as a gift from him.”

Once again they embraced, and his cousin clumsily patted his back. “I am proud of ye Alasdair. So proud.”

The wedding celebration was smaller than Guiles’ had been. Only members of Clan Sinclair attended, with a few from Clan Gordon, whose lands were nearby. An invitation to come visit when they wished along with the announcement of Dallis’ wedding was sent to the Robertson, so to not offend the laird.

“It is the perfect day. Exactly how I wished it,” Dallis whispered in his ear.

Most of the event was held inside the great room. The cook prepared all her favorites. Roasted duck, root vegetables and goat cheese along with sweet fig tarts were presented on platters and plates much to the delight of those in attendance.

Musicians played which meant Fiona urged women to dance even before the meal began. Dallis tapped her fingers in time to the music, stopping when Alasdair covered her hand.

He cupped her face and lifted it up for a kiss and then gently pulled her to stand. “Go. Dance.”

Although it was not the time to dance, but when they should be waiting to be served, Dallis hurried to where Fiona was and joined in the circle of women.

The laird smiled indulgently. “It will come that Copyright 2016 - 2024