The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,42

called out to the dogs and his laughter, he was in good spirits. Although she wanted to remain angry with him, her lips curved at him having a light moment to himself.

As laird, his yoke was heavy, he more than deserved times like these. The hounds had been a gift from Dallis and Guiles. Some days it seemed as if her father loved the furry beasts more than them.

“We should speak.” Alasdair’s voice at her ear made Dallis take a sharp breath.

She straightened her shoulders. “I suppose we should.” She looked around him to see that her guard keep watch. Motioning with both hands for him to go away, he finally shrugged and turn his back to them.

“I will have to speak to father about him,” Dallis mumbled in annoyance.

Alasdair moved to stand next to her, his posture straight, his gaze to her father who continued tossing sticks to his hounds. “I did not like speaking to ye as I did earlier.”

Dallis could not keep from rolling her eyes. “And yet ye did. Do ye have any idea what it is like to be treated as if I don’t have a brain in my head? Like a petulant child?”

“No. However, if ye’d have used yer brain, then ye would have known women aren’t the ones to negotiate any kind of marriage agreement. Whether fair or not, it is up to me to handle the situation.”

“Handle the situation?” Dallis’ voice went up at least an octave. “For days now, a decision has not been made and ye’ve been dallying about atop the wall.”

The telltale sign of aggravation, his right eyebrow rose. “Dallying?”

Dallis waved an impatient hand. “Or whatever.”

“I am performing in my duty to protect this clan. I have been spending endless days training with the archers, attempting to gain their trust and respect. They are not keen to a stranger walking in and taking over as their leader. When any man is ill or unable to fulfill their duty, I have been taking their place. I am doing everything yer father has asked of me in order to earn his approval. That included putting ye in yer place in front of him even though I hated speaking to ye in that manner.”

He turned to her, for the first time there was warmth in his gaze. “I want to marry ye Dallis, have no doubt about that.” Alasdair leaned forward and placed a kiss onto her gaped open lips. “Be at last meal.” With that, he turned on his heel and walked away.

Once he passed, her guard turned and studied her.

Dallis had to fight to keep from making a face at him.

Chapter 15

Alasdair waited until he was in the safety of a dimly lit corridor before allowing himself the luxury of slumping against the wall. For long days, he’d tried more than ever in his life to assimilate into a clan life. He’d done and said all the right things. He’d worked long days alongside the men he was to lead and had tried hard every single day to prove himself.

Now as he waited to know what his fate would be, for the first time in his life he hated that his gift of seer never foretold of his own future. Yes, he was alerted to danger and for that he was grateful.

And yet, a rarity in many years, he felt helpless.

To make things worse, Alasdair wasn’t sure he could do it. To not only be part of a clan, a family, but also to lead men. Over the years, he’d been part of many clashes, but never once as a leader.

Although the Sinclair’s archers were slow in coming around, they had at least accepted him and admitted to admiring his candor in asking for help with learning to be a better archer.

One night while drinking with them, he’d admitted not quite feeling adequate enough to lead them. He’d then vowed to them to do his best. The men had nodded in acquiescence, most knowing what Laird Sinclair ordered had to be followed, whether it was something they agreed to or not.

Niven moved with his usual silent steps and neared. “The guards are forming outside. Why are ye in here?”

“I needed a bit of time.” Alasdair met his friend’s gaze. “How do ye do this? Year after year?”

There was a soft lift to the corner of Niven’s lips. “It’s my life. Unlike ye, I grew up here, groomed and taught from the time I was a lad.”

“I was thrust into this.” Copyright 2016 - 2024