The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,39

won’t speak against ye?”

Other than the sound of his breathing, Donall didn’t utter a word. It was easy to tell he was considering what his next move was.

“If ye will not declare me son, then I demand to marry Dallis.”

In truth he’d heard enough and let out a sigh of relief when Niven came through the doorway.

“It’s him. The farmer told us the truth upon hearing we had rescued his young son.” Nevin turned to Donall. “Ye had the farmer’s son and threatened to kill him if he didn’t help ye.”

“I am Laird Sinclair’s son. Ye cannot come against me.” Donall had moved closer to Laird Sinclair, but he was prepared for it.

When in one smooth motion, Donall unsheathed his sword and swung toward him, he found himself run through by Alasdair’s sword.

There was shock in Donall’s expression, as he stumbled backward and fell to the ground.

Laird Sinclair neared the man as he lay dying. “I don’t know who yer father is Donall. But it is not me.”

Donall’s mouth opened and closed and then his eyes went blank as death claimed him.

Chapter 13

Guiles tapped his fingers on the tabletop, his impatience was growing more and more with each minute that passed. Dallis had gone to fetch Fiona as he tried to come up with a way to explain why the truth had been kept from her.

She’d be furious, of that he had no doubt. Now that the truth was out, hopefully she’d understand.

It had been the longest days of his life, not able to see or speak to her. If nothing else, the entire episode had served to show him how much he did care for the fair Fiona.

The door opened and Guiles’ stomach pitched. A red-faced Fiona flew from the doorway and straight into his arms. He flinched, as his injuries remained sore, but didn’t mind at all having her so close.

Sliding his hands down her back as she cried into his tunic, Guiles noticed the door closing. His sister would keep guard to ensure them privacy.

“Don’t cry Fi. Please don’t. I am so sorry.” Since she kept her face hidden, he could only rub her back. “I missed ye so much.” Now he was beginning to sound like a love struck adolescent.

“How coo ye isss? Oooo have a deer?” Her words were muffled, and he strained to understand.

“What did ye say darling?”

Her head jerked upward butting him on the chin. The hit so hard, his eyes must have crossed.

Fiona pushed away and began wiping her mottled face with both hands. “How could ye do that to me? I have been going mad with worry and sorrow. I was sure ye were dead.”

When he tried to hug her, she kicked his leg. “I mourned ye.” She crossed her arms, her gaze moving over him. “Why?”

“Please sit. I will explain it all to ye. Would ye like some honeyed mead?”

After a few moments, she slowly nodded. “Very well. But don’t look at me. I know I present a frightful sight. It’s yer fault.”

Guiles fought not to smile. She looked adorable. Wet lashes framed her pretty eyes. A pink flush on her cheeks and the tip of her pert nose was red.

“Ye care for me. Ye care a great deal,” Guiles chided her.

Fiona stuck out her chin. “I did, but now I am not so sure.”

“I more than care for ye, fair one. I am besotted.” He waited for her eyes to meet his. “I hated every minute I could not see ye.”

Once again Fiona rushed to him clinging to his tunic as if her life depended on it. She was angry, would probably remain so for days. Guiles would accept any punishment she would dole out as long as she remained betrothed to him and soon became his wife.

“Do ye understand why we had to keep my condition a secret, love?” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “It was the only way to find out who was behind my attack and stop the possibility of another. If we’d not known it was Donall, he may have come after me when ye were there and I couldn’t risk it.”

Although she nodded, her mouth formed a tight line. “I would have kept the secret. All yer father had to do was ask. I wouldn’t have told a soul.”

“Perhaps not. At the same time, it would have been a huge burden on ye to have to deal with all the questions and demands of what happened.”

She let out a huff. Copyright 2016 - 2024