The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,34

in but two or three hours. The celebration had continued on and on, although she’d tried to move things along. Her parents were jubilant. Excited at the prospect of not only both of their children marrying, but also of the grandchildren soon to come.

The clanswomen constantly surrounded her and Fiona and insisted they dance until collapsing from fatigue.

Holding hands, they circled then released their clasp to turn while clapping. It was a time to be excited and happy, to celebrate the natural proceedings of life and this she understood. These women were whom she’d grown up with and by the wandering of their gazes across the room, they searched for someone to be theirs one day. She’d caught the gazes of guards and guests who pretended not to be searching, but yes, the men were affected as well.

Finally, the guests had departed, some hurried out because they had far to travel, others slower, not ready to leave the feast. However, soon only the guardsmen and those staying the night remained.

Her parents had gone to bed and Dallis waited until a maid came to help her prepare for bed. She’d washed herself from water poured, brushed out her hair and then dismissed the tired girl.

Once Dallis completed her nightly routine of washing away the grime of the day, she slipped from her room and hurried down the corridor.

She rapped softly on the Alasdair’s door.

When there was no answer, Dallis considered leaving. Perhaps Alasdair slept and did not hear her.

Just as she pushed the door open, someone pressed against her back, his mouth on her neck. “I was hoping ye’d come.”

A thrill traveled down her spine and her breath caught.

They moved into the dark room barely inside the door before he began tearing his clothes off. “I want to see ye. All of ye.”

He stood nude in the moonlight and she could not keep from allowing her gaze to soak in every part of his body. He was magnificent.

Despite the warmth from the fireplace, when Alasdair’s gaze met hers, Dallis shivered. Not from cold, but anticipation of his touch.

She stood so still, like a stone carving without any ability to move. Her blood coursed and her heart beat steadily, but Dallis remained where she was. It would be him who’d come to her. Alasdair who touched first, who’d make contact.

Not sure why, but instinct told her to allow it. That it was Alasdair who should take lead through everything tonight. Somehow she sensed that between them, from that day forward, he would be fully exposed and would expect the same in return.

Not that she didn’t wish it, but how could someone allow another into every thought and dream? Was this something normal between husband and wife?

For a moment Dallis thought he’d not move. It was a sort of standoff, not uncomfortable, but almost as if he wasn’t sure what she wanted from him.

“Ye will be my wife,” he stated and since it wasn’t a question, Dallis didn’t speak.

Alasdair looked from her to the bed. “I am not sure how I came to deserve such a gift. Ye deserve...”

“Please don’t say a man of higher station, because if ye believe Cuthbert to be more deserving than ye, I will turn away and walk out the door.”

The corners of his lips twitched. “Ye are a smart lass. No, I do not believe Cuthbert Robertson to be more deserving. Nor did I wish for his name to be spoken right now. What I wish is that ye …,” Alasdair hesitated searching for the next word.

Dallis yearned to be touched, to fall into his bed. However, this night, whatever was said needed to be spoken. Their thoughts and sentiments expressed.

Dallis met his gaze, loving how they’d darkened, the golden flecks almost disappeared. “I dreamed of marrying someone who’d win my heart. Every time the subject of marriage came up, or I attended a wedding, the same thought occurred to me. That I wished to marry a man of my choosing.” She let out a breath. “Never did I think it would happen, that my dream would come true.”

“Would ye have chosen me?”

“Yes, without hesitation.”

Alasdair’s eyes remained on hers, his chest rising and lowering as he listened. His lips parted, but he waited to see what she’d say next.

“Ye are the man I have chosen, and I am the lucky one. Much more than ye know. For my prospects were quite limited, and I expected to marry either the son of the Macpherson, who is as perverse Copyright 2016 - 2024