The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,3

have called the men outside to chastise them and not used profanity when addressing them.

To onlookers, it had probably looked as if she claimed some sort of recompense for whatever one of them had done to her. When in reality, the duo had lost the trail of a man they’d been paid to follow. Not only lost the man’s trail but had also failed to return to report it.

There was too much at stake to allow for sloppy work.

Much to Dallis’ dismay, she was summoned to her father’s study upon waking the next morning.

“My decision is final,” Dallis’ father said, his jaw clenched. “I’ve had enough of ye traipsing about like some sort of street urchin.” She started to protest, but her father held a hand up to silence her.

“Ye will be married within months. I shall find the right groom. An unlucky man who will hopefully find a way to keep ye in line.”

It was the first time Dallis had heard her father talk of marriage for either herself or Guiles. Her mother had always advocated they would be allowed to choose whom they married.

“Mother says...”

“What I say now is to be. I have already spoken to yer mother about this. She agrees with me. We have lost control of ye, Dallis. Besides, given yer lack of attention to womanly things, it would never come to pass if we left it up to ye.”

Dallis snuck a look at Guiles, who remained still as a statue. Their parents were in their right to arrange marriages for both of them. As the only son, Guiles was expected to marry someone who would unite the Sinclair clan with a more powerful one. And as the laird’s daughter, Dallis was also expected to marry and bring benefit to the people.

Guiles’ Adam’s apple bobbed, and she looked away to meet her mother’s gaze. “Mother, ye’ve always said ye hoped Guiles and I would marry for love. Ye’ve said it over and again, that we would not be forced into a loveless marriage?”

Her mother’s face softened. “I did and still believe it. However, ye’re at marrying age and have yet to show any kind of interest in anyone. Ye have left us little choice Dallis, especially with yer late night escapades.”

“Guiles was with me. He ensured I was safe.”

This time her father stopped her from saying more by slashing his hand through the air. “What of reports of ye being in the tavern arguing with men over money? Is that something Guiles stopped? No, ye probably went without telling him.”

Once again she slid a look to her brother whose face had turned red with embarrassment.

“He tried to stop me,” Dallis offered weakly and hung her head. This was a horrible mess. The thought of being married to someone she barely knew or worse, hated, made her stomach churn. “Who do ye plan to marry me to?”

When her parents exchanged looks, her stomach pitched. Dread filled her and she held her breath. “Tell me.”

“If current plans don’t go into effect as I am hoping, then ye shall marry Cronus Macpherson, the second son of the Macpherson.”

“No! I will never marry into that family. His father is cruel and unjust. I cannot stand by watching them mistreat their people. I am horrified ye wish to unite with them.”

Her father’s jaw tensed. “We will not speak further on this. Ye will marry whom I choose, and that is final.”

By the sudden paleness of her mother’s face, it was obvious she was not in total agreement. They planned to use her to keep a clan war from occurring. If that were the case, Dallis would have no choice. She owed it to her clan to sacrifice herself in order to save lives.

Dallis turned on her heel and stormed from the room. No one would voluntarily marry into the Macpherson clan, other than out of necessity. The Macpherson was as trustworthy as a venomous snake.

Guiles waited until his sister was out of earshot. “Why are ye doing this?”

Suddenly his father looked tired, slumping into a chair and looking to his wife. “It is out of my hands Guiles. If my plans to find a way to keep from a clan war don’t come to be, yer sister must marry the Macpherson’s son. We must remain on their good side. We have too many people depending on us to keep them from harm.”

Guiles’ eyes narrowed. “They’ve threatened us then. We are strong enough to defend our borders from the Macpherson.”

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