The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,21

done it before.” Alasdair gladly accepted a bread trencher and grabbed food from a platter in the center of the table.

The men began discussing the plans for the day while he scanned the room for Dallis. She along with the blond woman, who was to marry Guiles, and their mothers walked past and up the stairs. Just as she reached the center of the stairwell, Dallis turned and met his gaze.

Her lips curved just enough before she dropped her gaze.

She is glad to see I remain here.

“Alasdair?” Niven lifted a brow at his distraction. “I suggest ye use one of our mounts since yers may not be used to a hunt.”

“Yes, of course.” He continued eating just as a strong sensation that someone watched him hit.

Alasdair turned to his left to meet the narrowed eyes of Cuthbert Robertson and the man made a point of looking in the direction Dallis had gone.

“Seems the Robertson’s son has taken a dislike to me.”

Niven’s wide shoulders lifted and lowered. “He dislikes everyone. I do suggest ye give him wide berth if yer the target of his ire today.”

“Is he going on the hunt?”


The other guards grunted in annoyance. Obviously the man was not held in high regard by most. He’d wait until they were on their way and then ask Niven why.

The day was cool, but with the sun out, it was perfect weather for a hunt. At least that was what Alasdair thought since he was mostly there to provide protection for the lairds and several other highborn males who attended the hunt.

The Gordon had an escort of six, while the Sinclair had seven since he’d come along at the last moment. Along with the lairds, there were four other men who were to participate in the hunt.

In Alasdair’s opinion, to call what they did a hunt was absurd. The true hunters were those that had gone ahead, found the boars, and rounded them into a specific portion of the forest. But what did he care? It was the game of the highborn.

As they rode, the opportunity came that he and Niven were a distance from the others as they’d been assigned as the rear guard.

“Why is Cuthbert Robertson so disliked?” Alasdair asked.

Niven frowned in thought. “A couple years back, when a farmer failed to pay his taxes, Cuthbert ordered his guard to evict them from their land and burn down their home. His father was away, so no one stopped him. It was just before winter and the family was without shelter as others were ordered not to provide it for them.”

Alasdair kept silent allowing the man to continue.

“Fearful that they’d also lose their homes, no one helped them. Guiles and I rode to a cave, where we’d heard they were sheltered, in an effort to rescue them. They’d perished from the cold.”

“Did the Robertson not do something upon his return?” Alasdair asked.

Niven shook his head. “Although the Robertson was displeased with his son’s actions and attempted to make restorations, there was little he could do to ever repair the damage. Their people fear and despise Cuthbert. Now that we’ve joined with them, I wonder what will be done as I don’t foresee either the Gordon or our laird allowing Cuthbert any power over their clans.”

“It is interesting then that they chose the Robertson to be laird over all three.”

“He is the most powerful, has the larger clan, and is a fair man.”

Alasdair allowed his gaze to move to Cuthbert. The man rode tall, his shoulders back as if to hold himself above others. That was it. Cuthbert Robertson had a secret, something that he never wished to be disclosed and because of it, he was filled with hatred.

Sliding a look to Niven, Alasdair decided to find a way to get close enough and perhaps figure out what that secret was. “What is our part during the hunt?”

“To play along. Ride on the edge of the woods to startle the boar to turn around.”

“Sounds intoxicating,” Alasdair replied flatly.

“He plans to marry Dallis.” Niven’s statement was made without inflection. “Not hard to figure out why.”

“If he is to be the next laird over all three clans, there isn’t much reason to do so. All the power will be his regardless.”

Niven stopped his horse and waited for a few moments, his head cocked to the side. “I thought I heard something.”

“We are being watched. Have been for some time now.”

“When did ye plan to inform me?” Niven glared at him.

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