The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,15

a few days back. We kept it from happening by promising to disband the resistance.”

“How do ye know who ye speak to is not giving false information to get ye to talk?” Alasdair asked the younger brother. “The tall red-haired man ye’ve been meeting with, is not truthful.”

Kiernan’s eyes widened, but he remained silent.

“What should we do next?” Nevin asked Guiles as they walked back to the great room where the festivities continued. “How long are ye going to leave them down there?”

In truth, he wasn’t sure what to do. The entire time they’d planned to resist based on wiles not strength. They’d considered recruiting proven warriors to fight in exchange for coin. Now he wavered. What Beathan said was true. Even if they found over a hundred men willing to fight, they couldn’t win.

“If we fail in overthrowing the Macpherson, he will seek revenge against our father.” He let out a frustrated breath. “Perhaps we should join with the lairds and let them know of Alasdair’s strong powers. Together we can come to an agreement of the best course of action.”

“Aye. I agree,” Niven said. “However, we do not know how many of the lairds are doing what they can to keep from losing ground. It could be some will be on the Macpherson’s side.”

They walked into the great room just as his father came to his side. By his glower, he was not happy. “I needed ye present for the discussion earlier. It was impossible to wait. An agreement has been made. Ye will now find out with the others.”

Laird Sinclair returned to the high board and when he slammed his empty tankard onto the table, the room went silent.

“Tonight we welcome The Robertson and The Gordon,” his father began in a loud voice.

“The three of us have come to an agreement that will impact the future of our clan.”

Everyone began to murmur, looking around the room to the visiting laird’s people. It was a long moment before they quieted.

Guiles went to his father’s side. “What happens?”

Instead of a reply, his father motioned for the other two lairds to stand.

“The three clans will join and become a strong force of one. From this day forward, we will all claim the Robertson colors as our own.”

Audible gasps sounded. Guiles looked around the room, his eyes wide. “Father, what have ye done?”

Although there continued to be murmurs, for the most part everyone was stunned silent. His father’s voice shook.

“Our clan will continue as Clan Sinclair, however, we will take the Robertson colors as our own. In these uncertain times, small clans must join in an effort to keep everyone from harm. As our three lands borders touch, we will be better able to survive if we join as one larger brotherhood.”

This time everyone began speaking at once until The Robertson stood and once again the room went silent.

“It is with humble pride that I will assume guardianship of the new clan Robertson. It is also with great pride in accepting the challenge of being Laird to all of be. Yer lairds will continue to be yer overseer to ensure all continues as it has.”

Guiles couldn't believe his father had not informed him of the decision. How had they come to this arrangement in such short a time. When their gazes locked, there was challenge in his father’s eyes.

It dawned on him.

This was not something new. It had been kept secret all this time and... now everything had changed. It sunk in, the truth of why his father had called the lairds there.

“He knew of our part in the resistance,” Dallis said as she came to stand beside him. “That is why he called the lairds and agreed to give up leadership.”

Alasdair neared and stood to Guiles’ left. Although taller than most, the seer somehow blended and those around him ignored his presence. Of course, given the announcement, it was understandable at the moment.

The Gordon stood to speak to his people, explaining he’d agreed to it in an effort to keep them safe and to protect the borders. And then once again his father spoke.

“From now forward, I will remain laird of the Sinclair. However, the ultimate authority goes to Laird Robertson. Together the three clans are a formidable force, even larger than the Macpherson’s.”

Cheers sounded as the truth sunk in. It was true. The three clans joined meant the guard would be hundreds more than the Macpherson. Anyone would hesitate before going against such as huge force.

“He did it,” Dallis Copyright 2016 - 2024