The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,13

she wished the song called for more than just a touch. Unfortunately, much like the other song she’d danced, very little touching was involved. The lively tune meant they had to move in circles with other dancers before coming face-to-face again.

“I must speak to ye in private,” Alasdair whispered in her ear when they came together. With palms together, they moved side to side. A jolt traveled up Dallis’ arms and she narrowed her eyes. “Don’t ye dare.”

Once again, his lips twitched just as he turned away. She found him attractive and if she was to be honest, desirable. It wasn’t as if it were the first time she’d desired a man, but this one was not a smart choice and Dallis wasn’t about to succumb.

If he was truly as strong a seer as was rumored, no doubt he sensed what she felt. Damn the man.

When at last the piece ended and Alasdair escorted her back to where they’d been speaking, Dallis thanked him and hurried away.

It was best to find Fiona. If anyone could distract her from all that happened, it was her flirty friend. A tingle of laughter rang out. Fiona danced with Guiles.

Dallis grunted. Didn’t the musicians need a break?

Many in the room wore wide grins as they followed Fiona’s movements. Her friend had everyone under her spell. The sooner the song ended the better because Dallis needed Fiona to cast her web in a different direction.

Alasdair took her arm and led her to a narrow hallway. “We must speak.”

“Whatever ye sensed, do not trust it. I find ye bothersome.”

His eyebrows lifted. “What are ye speaking of?” He cocked his head to the side, inspecting her.

“Speak, what is it?” Dallis said impatiently. She had to get away from him.

“I suspect someone here is yer spy. Ye will not like the revelation.”

Alasdair pulled her forward just as one of the guards headed in their direction.

Dallis gasped. “We cannot be found here together talking.”

Just as the guard approached Dallis found herself with her back to the wall, Alasdair pressed against her and his mouth over hers. While he took of her lips, his hands slid down her back to cup her bottom. In the recesses of her mind, Dallis knew she ought to push him away to be mortified at his familiarity, but it felt so very perfect.

Instead of pushing him back, she softened beneath him. Arousal flooded every part of her, rivers of heat shooting down her body.

His hardness pressed against the most sensitive part of her and she inhaled his woodsy scent.

Dallis wrapped her arms around his waist, bringing him closer as she allowed him to ravage her mouth in the most wonderful way.

Through the fog of passion, Dallis considered she should put a stop to it immediately. As anyone could come upon them.

His mouth traveled to her ear as she dug her fingernails into his shoulders and lifted on tiptoes to rub her now tender nipples against his chest.

They continued kissing until the world seemed to spin and Dallis shoved him to the opposite wall and clung to him to keep from toppling sideways while she took his mouth.

“We must stop,” he whispered. “The guard is gone. I sense yer father and brother would not like to find us with yer hands under my tunic.”

Dallis’ eyes flew open and she shoved him away so hard, he took two steps backward. “What just happened?”

There was a deep chuckle. Niven stood in the opening, blocking them from view. Thankfully he was turned away. “I hoped ye’d stop ravaging the man before someone saw what happened and informed yer brother.”

“Ye should have done something.” Dallis shoved past Niven. “My goodness.” She darted away, barely able to keep from stumbling since her knees were so weak.

Chapter 5

Alasdair tried his best to regain composure, but even after several breaths and imagining rotting meat, he remained hard as a log. “I need to go outside.”

There was understanding in Niven’s expression as he extended an arm. “After ye.”

Once in a small courtyard to the side of the keep, Alasdair hesitated. If he sensed right, someone followed them. Guiles appeared, his face flushed and hair disheveled. “That Fiona is a joy,” he told them with a lopsided grin. “A few more moments and I would’ve asked Da to marry us tonight.” He chuckled at his own joke.

“Ye will marry her,” Alasdair told him, enjoying his stricken look.

Guiles’ words were measured, a pause between them. “How long do I have?”

With a snort, Niven laughed until Copyright 2016 - 2024