The Seer - Hildie McQueen Page 0,11

options are so wonderful. Either I marry a distasteful creature or the evil oaf son of our enemy.”

Their mother ignored her last remark. “Let us go now. We must join yer father and prepare to greet the visitors.”

When their mother hurried away, Guiles pulled her back. “We must figure out a way to continue our plans.”

Dallis nodded. “No one is more desperate than I.”

The families arrived, the men went to sit with her father and began the bothersome pleasant tries as prescribed by custom.

Meanwhile, the women were to see about getting settled into bedchambers before sitting together to rest and drink warmed cider or honeyed mead.

It took longer than expected as they’d arrived later than planned and before long everyone went to the great room for last meal.

Along with her brother and mother, the visiting lairds were invited to sit at the high board. Although grateful not to have to sit up there and be scrutinized by everyone, Dallis noted it would still be hard to slip away until late in the hour.

Guiles had sent a message to Niven, encrypted so that the archer delivering it would think it had to do with him cancelling going to the tavern for drinks and hunting the next day.

So far, from the eager looks of the people attending, it was possible the festivities would not end until very late.

It was up to her, she had to be at the clandestine meeting and to personally see how things would play out when the seer showed up at the caves.

His face formed in her mind. The warrior was attractive, his intense eyes seeming to see more than just the visible, his gaze as direct as his personality. Yes, he was too handsome. Dallis quickly pushed the distracting thoughts away.

The pomp and frivolity of the evening was ridiculous. There were threats of being overtaken by the Macpherson and border fights between farmers, yet her family held a celebration.

Dallis tapped her foot impatiently and she huffed when a trio of musicians entered the room.

Everyone was finishing the meal, the conversations light as those in attendance gave themselves permission to enjoy the evening.

When Dallis looked away from the tables and back to the high board, Guiles was no longer sitting there. She quickly scanned the room, but he was not there.

Her friend Fiona smiled and touched Dallis’ arm. “Ye seem put out tonight. Is something amiss?”

Fiona loved to dance. There was rarely a festivity that her friend wouldn’t dance almost the entire night. Nonetheless, she was the most loyal of friends and the one person, besides Guiles, Dallis trusted with all her heart.

“Come, I must speak to ye.” Dallis tugged Fiona away to stand near the back of the room. They stood just inside a hallway, which led to the kitchens.

Fiona looked over Dallis’ shoulder. “The music is about to start. Can we speak at another time?”

“I need to slip away. If anyone asks, will ye say that ye just saw me? That I went out for fresh air.”

Fiona glanced out again and giggled. “The Robertson’s son hasn’t begun to needle ye yet. Why leave so soon?”

“I need to see about something important...and I have to find Guiles.”

Fiona frowned. “He was just inside. I doubt he will be gone long.” Her friend looked around when the music began. Obviously, there wasn’t anyone she wished to dance with by the long sigh. Fiona was forced to skip the first dance.

“Oh look, there he is now!” her friend exclaimed pointing to the great room entrance, with more excitement than necessary.

“What?” Not only had Guiles appeared, but beside him was Niven. Just behind Niven another man came into view. Although she couldn’t see him clearly, somehow she knew it was the seer.

The trio moved to a table and settled while conversing. No one seemed to take much notice of them, as there were people in attendance from everywhere. Only a few knew everyone present.

Why were Niven and the seer there? It was much too dangerous of a situation. What if someone did indeed recognize the newcomer?

“Who is that man?” Fiona leaned forward, her hand on Dallis’ arm. “He is absolutely breathtaking.”

“The man with the scar?” Dallis pretended distaste.

Fiona’s eyes widened. “Are ye blind? He is the most alluring man I’ve ever seen. Oh, I do hope he dances.” Her friend headed toward the trio as the second song began. She’d not be deterred until she danced with the stranger. Of that Dallis had no doubt.

Before her friend was halfway across the Copyright 2016 - 2024