See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,58

so wrong with him?

“He’s a complete idiot.”

Gabe raised his brows in shock. A complete idiot?

“He thinks our marriage is only about sex. And,” she said, tears welling in her eyes, “he doesn’t want to be married to me anymore.”

“Janie,” Gabe said, pushing his chair back.

“Stay away from me,” she told him just as Sara threw her napkin on the table and waddled to her sister’s side.

Gabe watched as Janie threw herself into Sara’s arms and cried, and then the whole family was gathered around her. “Aw, poor baby,” they all cooed, while giving him nasty looks.

Standing, Gabe said, “I’d like a word with my wife alone.”

“She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Sara said with determination.

“Janie can speak for herself,” Gabe said, moving around the group of Callahans to see Janie’s face.

It was red, wet and puffy. And he hated himself for upsetting her like that. “Janie?” he said, “Can we talk for a minute?”

She shook her head, sending her auburn curls in motion. “I have nothing to say to you, Montero. So, why don’t you go back to the townhouse and pack your things? I want you out by morning.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I do,” she said, hurrying out of the dining room, Sara at her side.

And suddenly he was angry at her for even suggesting such a thing. Then again, wasn’t that exactly what he’d told her he planned to do? That he needed some time to sort out his feelings? Was he having a change of heart already?

Doug Callahan stepped toward him. “Young man, I think it might be best if you leave.”

Gabe jerked his gaze toward Alex who refused to look back at him, before walking out of the room and out of the house.

* * * * * * * * * *

Janie didn’t return to the townhouse that night. And Gabe went to bed alone, angry and confused. She didn’t want to marry him, at least not until he’d talked her into it. So, why was she so broken up over the fact that he wanted out? She should be happy.

It’s not as if she were in love with him, because she wasn’t. She was in it for the great sex, and that was all. Okay, so maybe she was being sincere when she’d said she thought their child should have both parents around. But that wasn’t a reason to try to hold a marriage together, was it?

Eventually, she’d end up resenting him for forcing the marriage issue. And he’d rather have her hate him now than later.

Hate was such a strong, ugly word. Did Janie hate him? If so, she had good reason. He was scum. He’d pushed her into a marriage she didn’t want, and then, after a few days between the sheets, he’d told her he didn’t want her anymore. Well, that wasn’t exactly how he’d said it, but he may as well have.

Of course, she hated him. How could she not?

But thinking back to the way she’d defended him during Thanksgiving dinner, he’d swear she was talking about a man she admired, respected, and even loved. Was it possible Janie loved him? If so, she’d never told him.

Then again, you never told her either, pal.

Gabe sighed loudly and punched a fist into the mattress. He couldn’t sleep without Janie there. Without her soft, seductive body pressed tightly against his.

What the hell had he been thinking? So what if she didn’t love him? And what did it matter if she were only using him? He loved her. He wanted her. That’s all that mattered. Right now, he just wanted her back. But what if it was too late?

He got out of bed and paraded around the bedroom in the dark, thinking. He twisted his ankle on one of Janie’s discarded shoes and swore. Then stubbing his toe on the chair she’d left in the middle of the room, he swore again. It’s too dangerous to think here, he thought, and headed across the hall to the study.

Flicking on the overhead light, he went to sit in the chair behind the desk and stared at the monitor. The screensaver dog paraded back and forth, occasionally looking at him and wagging his tail.

He rattled the mouse so the dog would disappear and he could concentrate on his problems with Janie. But when the dog went away, the monitor displayed a document called ‘Character Sketches’.

The first character listed was a woman by the name of Jasmine Carlisle. Reading with interest, Gabe found Jasmine vaguely Copyright 2016 - 2024