See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,44

navel. Gabe bit his lip and sucked in a breath. And when she kissed his--”Oh, God, Janie!” he moaned.

She lifted her head. “I’m new at this,” she said, her green eyes conveying her uncertainty. “Any suggestions?”

Oh, sweet Jesus. “Just one. Be gentle.”

And she was. She left hot, moist kisses in her wake, driving him absolutely wild with need. And when she took him into her mouth, he was drawn to a height of passion he’d never felt before. Hypnotized by her, he felt powerless. He used soft words of encouragement, letting her know exactly what he wanted.

Then, just when he was coming close to a climax, she tensed, her body going perfectly still.

“No, sweetheart, don’t stop yet,” he begged.

Janie’s head popped up. “I thought I heard something.”

“That was me, moaning.”

“No, I thought--”

“Janie?” Sara’s voice rang out from the other side of the door.

And before Gabe could react, Janie scrambled off the bed just as the door flew open.

“Oh . . . my . . . God!” Sara exclaimed, her hand flying to her mouth in shock.

With his hands cuffed to the brass headboard, there wasn’t much Gabe could do to spare his sister-in-law, except to roll to his side and treat her to a view of his bare backside. Better that than what she had been staring at.

“Sara,” Janie said, grabbing for her robe and getting to her feet. “Do you mind?”

“Bondage!” Sara shrieked. “Don’t think I don’t know what this is. My God, he’s turned you into a . . . sex slave.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Janie protested. “He’s the one cuffed to the bed, not me.”

Gabe angled his head around. “Speaking of which, where are the keys? And would you mind covering me up?”

Ignoring him, Janie said, “Believe what you want, Sara, but this was my idea.”

“Oh, please,” Sara said. “How would you know about such things?”

“Give me some credit. I’m a romance writer with a very active imagination.”

Sara started to cry. “I just can’t believe this. My baby sister is involved in bondage with . . . an ex-con.”

“Ex-con!” Janie shot back. “Apologize, right now, Sara.”

“I will not! This is all his fault.”

“Ladies, please,” Gabe said, wondering if he’d ever been more embarrassed in his life. “We can discuss whose fault this is later, but first get me the hell out of these things.” He rattled the cuffs for effect.

“I don’t know where the keys are,” Janie said. “I don’t think Travis left any keys.”

“Travis?” Sara sniffed. “Those are Travis’s handcuffs?”

“Yes. He left them here the other day. Do you know how to open them?” Janie asked.

“Well, yes,” Sara answered, then lowered her voice, “but I’m not going to do it while he’s lying there naked.”

Clucking her tongue and sighing, Janie picked up her yellow tank top from the floor and draped it over his . . . appendage. “There,” she said, and Gabe feeling grateful, let out a sigh of relief.

Sara inched toward the bed, her eyes half closed and reached for the cuffs. Seconds later, he was free.

“Thank you,” he said. “Now, if you ladies wouldn’t mind stepping outside, I’ll get dressed.”

Gabe shook his head as Sara hurried toward the door, dragging Janie with her.

From the hall, he heard the two of them arguing. Janie wanted to know why Sara had come by. Apparently, Sara had wanted to borrow a pair of shoes. She and Alex were on their way to a wedding reception and the ones she had on were pinching her toes, she’d said.

“I tried to call on the cell from the car, but you didn’t answer,” Sara went on to explain as Gabe was dressing.

“That’s because I was busy,” Janie snapped back.

“Oh, God,” Sara said. “I left Alex in the car. I suppose I should go tell him to come in.”

No, don’t do that, Gabe thought, wincing. Quickly, he shoved his legs into his jeans. But it was too late. By the time he was decent enough to open the door, Janie and Sara had disappeared downstairs. Swearing, he went to join them. And to face his older brother’s wrath.

* * * * * * * * * *

“I can’t believe this,” Alex said, obviously seething with mounting rage while he paced Janie’s living room floor.

Janie had never seen her brother-in-law this angry. In fact, she couldn’t remember him ever being angry before.

“You took advantage of her.” Alex continued his tirade, tugging at his necktie. “Why couldn’t you just keep your damn hands off her?”

Janie waited for Gabe to defend himself and Copyright 2016 - 2024