See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,36

as terrified as I am about sleeping with him, I can’t wait!”

Sara’s mouth dropped open in horror. “My God,” she gasped. “You’re in love with him.”

In love? With Gabe? “No way,” Janie started to say, then closed her mouth quickly. The neighbor lady rolled her eyes, then slammed her door shut. Janie sagged against the deck rail as she thought about Sara’s accusation. She wasn’t in love with Gabe. How could she be? “Don’t be silly. I barely know the man,” she said, hoping that would clear up any misunderstandings.

“Yet you’re willing to sleep with him?”

“I--that’s different. I told you why--”

“You can deny it all you want, Janie, but I see it in your eyes. You’ve fallen for him.”

Janie stared at her older sister and blinked. What the heck was wrong with Sara? She was not in love with Gabe. Maybe it was Sara’s pregnancy. Her hormones must be messed up. That’s what it was. Or maybe it was that Sara just couldn’t face the fact that her little sister was willing to sleep with a man she didn’t love. Bingo. “Believe what you want. I have to go. I just wanted you to know.”

Reaching out and touching Janie’s arm, Sara said, “Honey, be careful. And remember, you don’t have to do this. As much as Gabe irks me, I don’t think he’d ever force himself on a woman. It’s okay to change your mind.” She looked uncomfortable for a minute, then glanced from side to side, obviously making sure none of the neighbors were lurking nearby. “You know, you could always get one of those . . .” She shifted her eyes back and forth before whispering, “vibrators.”

“Been there, done that,” Janie tossed over her shoulder then bounced down the stairs and into the grass. “And they’re not all they’re cracked up to be. See ya.”

“Promise to call me tomorrow with all the details? Well, not all the details,” Sara said, blushing.

“I promise.” And then Janie was on her way to get ready for Gabe.


Gabe had showered twice in the past hour. He had no idea why, other than Janie had said she wanted tonight to be special. He couldn’t begin to describe the amount of pressure that statement had put on him. Command performance, was all he could think. He’d heard about guys who’d totally lost the urge while trying to please a woman under pressure. What if something like that happened to him?

As he stepped into a clean pair of jeans, and splashed his face and jaw with cologne, he told himself he was just being paranoid. There was nothing to worry about. He’d done this hundreds of times, maybe even a thousand. And very few women had ever gone away unsatisfied. But then again, there had been a few exceptions. What if tonight Janie was one of those exceptions? She was counting on him, and what if he let her down?

She wasn’t the type of woman to fake an orgasm, just for the sake of protecting her lover’s feelings. Or was she? Nah, she’d tell him the truth if she was disappointed in his technique. Then again, she wouldn’t have to tell him anything. He’d know, without a doubt, whether or not she was faking.

Sitting on the edge of the motel bed, Gabe shoved his feet into his boots and dragged a white T-shirt over his head. He stood, looked in the mirror and ran a comb through his hair. Maybe he should dress a little nicer, he thought, and yanked the T-shirt off. He replaced it with a light blue oxford, tucked the shirt tails into his jeans and rolled up the cuffs.

He was more nervous than he’d been on his first date, and that was eighteen years ago. “Get over it, Montero,” he mumbled and grabbed his car keys. All you have to do, he told himself, is give the performance of your life.

“Piece of cake,” he said, not meaning a word of it. He just hoped Janie didn’t notice how nervous he was. She thought she was getting a pro, and she was, except for he was no longer brimming with self-confidence like he was when they’d first discussed her needs.

Well, maybe if he stopped thinking about it as a job, and started thinking about the fact that he was going to be sleeping with Janie Callahan tonight, he could relax a little. He couldn’t wait to be buried deep inside her, to look into her eyes while she called out his Copyright 2016 - 2024