See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,26

her cleavage. She was at least a D-cup. Not that Janie was impressed, but Gabe sure seemed to be.

“Whatever you have on top--I mean on tap--will be fine,” he said with a wink, and Janie wanted to gag. “Oh and, Candy, bring the lady another wine cooler.”

Before Janie could protest, the woman sped away, her hips swinging from one side to the other. Janie couldn’t help but notice the way Gabe watched those hips with interest. She cleared her throat to get his full attention and then asked again, “What are you doing here?”

“I told you, I was thirsty.”

“And I don’t believe you.” She studied him for a moment, watching the way his lips formed a crooked smile. “You followed me, didn’t you?”

He looked offended. “Now, why would I do something like that?” He paused for a moment, then added, “Besides, I didn’t have to follow you. Gertie told me where you were.”

Janie was going to have to have a talk with her neighbor. “You and Gertie seem to be getting pretty close.”

He shrugged. “She can’t refuse my irresistible charm. I think she might even love me. What can I say?”

Candy stopped at their table and set their drinks down. Her big boobs brushed Gabe’s cheek. Moving his head out of the way, he smiled guiltily at Janie.

“Whoops,” Candy said, nodding at her chest. “They’re always getting in the way.”

“I’ll bet,” Janie said with a roll of her eyes, knowing full well the woman had done it intentionally.

Candy turned her attention to Janie. “You know, this may surprise you, honey, but I always wished I had teeny breasts. Like yours. You wouldn’t believe how many guys ask me out just to cop a feel. I’ll bet you don’t have that problem.”

Pasting on a pretty smile, Janie said, “You’re right.” And for the first time in her life, she actually appreciated her miniscule breasts. Once Candy sashayed away, Janie pinned Gabe with a look. “She seemed a little obvious, don’t you think?”

“About what?” he asked.

“Never mind.” She knew Gabe was just playing dumb, but she didn’t have time to argue with him. “Hurry up and drink your beer, and then you have to leave. Brad should be here any minute.”

“Brad?” he asked, lifting the frosted mug to his lips like he had all the time in the world.

“Yes. Brad Carpenter. You remember the lifeguard from the beach yesterday.”

“Oh, you mean College Boy. Isn’t he a little young for you? He’s what, twenty-one, and you’re thirty?”

“I’m twenty-eight with limited mileage. That should count for something. Besides, It’s not like I’m going to take advantage of him or anything.” She ran her fingers along the sweat-covered bottle.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s just that I know how persuasive you can be. I’d hate for that kid to jump into bed with you just because he was afraid to say no to an elder.”

“Very funny, Montero. Now drink up and then get lost.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a geeky-looking guy with red hair and horn-rimmed glasses too big for his face. “Excuse me, miss,” he said with a tremor in his voice. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” His gaze drifted between Janie and Gabe. “But I was sort of . . . What I mean is, I was wondering if you’d, you know, like to dance. It’s okay if you don’t. I mean . . .” He paused and glanced over his shoulder at a table of guys who were watching them. “My friends, they sort of dared me to come over here and ask you. They didn’t think I had the nerve. So, if you don’t want to dance, I’ll understand.” Then he turned and started to walk away.

“Wait!” Janie got to her feet. “What’s your name?”

He spun back around, his eyes wide with surprise. “Clarence. Clarence J. Wilkins the Third.”

“I’d love to dance with you, Clarence.” Then giving Gabe a warning look when he looked as if he were about to intervene, she looped her arm through the geek’s and steered him out onto the dance floor. Once there, she had to take the lead because the poor guy was shaking so badly, he could barely talk, let alone dance. She was grateful it was a slow tune because she’d never learned how to do any of those line dances that were so popular.

Clarence’s palm was so sweaty her hand kept slipping from his. As they circled around she noticed Candy standing by their table flirting with Gabe. But Gabe’s eyes weren’t Copyright 2016 - 2024