See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,23

mission. And maybe he was the kind of man who could give her not just one orgasm but multiple orgasms. Smiling, she let her mind drift. The thought was heavenly.

God, what had gotten into her? she wondered, quickly coming to her senses. She’d never been so bold and brazen before in her life. And looking down at Gabe, she decided it simply wasn’t working. But as she went to move away from him, he grabbed hold of her wrist and yanked her onto his lap.

He took her mouth with a savage intensity. His kiss was hard and punishing, slamming shock waves through her entire body. She was surprised by her own eager response, but that didn’t stop her from lifting her hands around his neck and digging her nails into his shoulders. Moaning softly, she encouraged him to take what he wanted. And to give her more.

She felt his thumbs circling her nipples, felt their reaction to his touch. Her dress moved higher onto her thighs as she tried to get closer to him. He toyed with the skin above the tops of her stockings, caressing her with whisper soft strokes. And then his hand crept higher, seeking, searching for her. He touched her there, then ripped his mouth free. His breath came in shallow gasps. “You’re wet.”

His vivid words penetrated deep into her soul. Her mouth and body burned with fire and she was aching for more of his kisses. Moaning softly, she drew his face to hers and devoured his lips.

Several kisses later, he pulled his mouth away from hers, leaving her weak and confused. Then he took her hand and placed it over his erection. “Is this what you want?”

Janie sucked in a breath, loving the feel of him. Gabe was long and thick and hard.

And oh, God, this was all wrong.

Pulling her hand away, she scrambled off his lap and fell onto the floor, bumping her shoulder against the coffee table. When he reached for her, she swatted at him, and scooted around the table and across the rug, as far away from him as possible.

Gabe started to stand.

“Don’t come near me,” she said. “I need to think.” She lowered her head in her hands and waited for her breathing to slow down. “I can’t do this. I know you probably think I’m crazy. Or that I’m some kind of tease.”

He didn’t answer. Not that she expected him to. She knew what he must be thinking. That she should probably be committed. One minute she was begging him to take her, and the next she was pushing him away. She barely understood it herself. The only thing she knew for sure, was that she couldn’t possibly sleep with him. When she’d first thought about having an affair with a stranger, the man was to be just that--a stranger. How could she climb into bed with Gabe Montero and then have to see his smug face year after year. No, that wasn’t at all what she’d had in mind. Even if she knew the man could put a smile on her face that would last a lifetime.

“I think it would be best if I had an affair with someone I don’t know,” she said, lifting her head. “No offense or anything.”

“None taken.”

“Good. I mean, I appreciate the offer to--” Oh, God, what was she saying? She gave her head a tiny shake. “I really wish you’d leave now before I make an even bigger fool of myself.”


“Please, Montero. Just go.”

He stared at her for a moment or so, then got to his feet and walked out her front door without another word.

* * * * * * * * * *

Gabe sat in his Camaro, his gaze fixed on the living room window of Janie’s townhouse. Her smell was still on the tips of his fingers, sweet and musky. A memento of her silky, moist heat. A reminder of what had almost been. It was all he could do not to march back in there and beg her to go to bed with him. To finish what they’d started. He’d never wanted anyone so badly in his life, and it surprised the hell out of him. She wasn’t his type. Not even close. He liked buxom blondes and leggy brunettes. He didn’t go for cute, freckled-face redheads.

And if he kept telling himself that, he might actually believe it.

She’d been goading him. Nothing more. Trying to break down his barriers and restraints, and he’d had plenty. But somehow Copyright 2016 - 2024