See Jane Love - By Debby Conrad Page 0,13

probably smelled like a zoo animal. Maybe a shower was just what she needed.

In the bathroom, he set her gently on her feet, placed her hands on the vanity and said, “Hold on.” Then, laying her clean clothes aside, he pulled the shower curtain open and turned on the spray. “You don’t need any help getting undressed, do you?”

“No,” she said firmly. “Go away.”

“Breakfast in twenty minutes,” he said before shutting the door.

“Breakfast?” she said, then opened the door a crack and peeked her head out. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.” Normally, she’d be jumping for joy over a man who could cook. But this morning, the last thing she wanted was food. Still, it was nice of him to offer.

“Well, I’m going to go ahead and make something anyway. By the time you finish with your shower, you’ll probably be hungry.” With that he turned and headed for the stairs.

Janie watched as he walked away, her gaze fixed on his delectable behind. “What is wrong with me?” she mumbled and quickly closed the door.

Before yesterday, she’d never much thought about Gabe Montero in a sexual way, or any way. She’d always thought he was rude and sort of incorrigible. But this morning he was acting civil, like they were friends. And last night he’d behaved like a perfect gentleman. Even when he’d kissed her, he’d used restraint. He could have taken advantage of her, especially after the way she’d practically thrown herself at him.

God, she’d almost forgotten about how she’d made a complete fool of herself last night. Although she didn’t regret asking him to kiss her, she couldn’t believe she’d asked him to have an affair with her. What on earth had she been thinking?


In spite of the way Janie’s stomach was churning, something smelled awfully tempting as she emerged from the bathroom. Gabe was right. The shower had helped tremendously. She was actually starting to feel slightly human. But just slightly. Her head still throbbed and she was still a little woozy. Leaning against the wall for support, she inched her way down the hallway and toward the stairs. But when she reached the top, she grasped the handrail for support as she stared down at the landing. She’d descended these steps hundreds of times, but never with a hangover. Suddenly, she lost her nerve, and afraid she might lose her balance and fall, she sat down. Then using her hands for support, she took the stairs slowly on her butt.

“I like resourceful women,” Gabe said, coming around the corner.

Janie shot him a look, but didn’t bother responding.


“A little. Do I smell coffee and bacon?” When she reached the last step, Gabe held out his hand and helped her to her feet. He ran his gaze over her tank top and denim shorts, lingering on her bare feet a moment before meeting her eyes again.

“Yes. And I made you a cheese omelet.”

He’d obviously gone shopping, because her kitchen wasn’t stocked with things like bacon and eggs. She mostly lived on take-out, or whatever leftovers Sara pushed on her. “Not so fast,” she said when Gabe started to pull her along. “This is my first hangover, you know. Hey, wait a minute! What happened to my living room? And where’s all my stuff?”

He stopped, running a hand through his thick, dark hair. “I straightened it up. As challenging as it was, I managed to find mates for all the shoes, and I tossed the clothing items in the hamper in your bedroom. It’s full, by the way. I got rid of all the old newspapers and fast food wrappers, too. And I loaded the dishwasher and ran the vacuum cleaner.” When she only stared at him with her mouth open, he rambled on. “I hope you weren’t planning on eating any of the furry leftovers in your refrigerator because I deep-sixed them. And while you were showering, I changed the sheets on your bed and cleared off your bedroom floor. Did you know you had carpeting under all those piles of clothes?”

“Very funny. So, how am I supposed to find anything now?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

She stuck out her chin, met his gaze. She found him irritating and pragmatic at the same time. “I happen to like the messy look. It’s in right now.” He was still holding her hand, she noticed as she leaned against him for support. “Besides, when I’m in my writing mode I’m totally absorbed in my characters and my story. I can’t be Copyright 2016 - 2024