Seductive Company - By Redsnapper Page 0,69

him as she witnessed him motioning for her to come toward him. She glanced into the Director’s office and noticed that he was still engaged in conversation with another board member; she sighed and then quickly made her way to where Marc was standing. When she reached him he grabbed her by the arm, guiding her into a nearby unoccupied conference room.

As soon as they got in the room he quickly shut the door as she asked, “Marc…what are you doing…what do you want?”

“Look, Ursula…something is going down…I heard the Director and one of his assistants talking about India and some dude name Travis St Croix…I think she’s in trouble!” “Have you talked to her…is she, okay?”

She frowned as she pulled her arm away from him as she replied, “Marc…she’s fine…what are you talking about?”

He gazed at her agitated as he replied, “I was sorting out the distribution and placing them in the inboxes. When I was walking pass the Director’s office I accidently overheard him engaged in a conversation with someone…I think it was his assistant, but they were talking about someone had embezzled a large amount of money to some offshore accounts.” “What got my attention was who they said was the primary suspect in this dilemma!”

She gazed at him with concern as she responded, “Who did they say was involved?”

“He looked down at the floor, then he raised his head slowly as he replied, “They said India…India Wynn was involved.”

“They’re waiting on some packet…I think that’s the packet that she wanted you to intercept!”

She smiled clinging to the packet in her hand tightly as she swiftly replied, “I’m expecting a call from her anytime now…I’m sure that this is some sort of mistake.” “Let me get with her to find out exactly, what’s going on!”

Marc gazed at her with distraught as he tried to figure out Ursula’s actions, which in his opinion was out of place. As if she was out of touch with what he was saying. After all, this was someone that he really cared about and this was supposed to be her best friend. She was acting unusually peculiar which just made him become more suspicious of her. He gazed at her as he asked, “Ursula...we’ve got to do something...I know she’s not involved in taking any money from this company!” “Why would she do that...she’s already got it made just doesn’t make sense!”

Ursula smiled as she replied to his statement, “Marc...let me talk to her and let her know what’s up...I’ll get to the bottom of this one way or another.”

As she began to stroll out of the conference room, she put the packet up to her breasts, ensuring that he could not take it from her as she smiled and walked out. He looked at her as she made her way toward the Director’s office. He could not believe what he was seeing as she went up and knocked on the door. As she was motioned to enter the office by the Director, she glanced toward Marc with a demented smirk as she proudly stepped out of sight. Marc turned his head in disbelief as he thought, “What’s she doing and what’s in that damn packet?”

Meanwhile, back in the Bahamas, India and Jacques were leisurely walking along the beach discussing their plans. Jacques was infatuated with her, gazing at her attractiveness as he thought, “I wish she could stay here with me, but I know she has her own career and I don’t want to jeopardize getting in the middle of that.” “Besides…she may not feel the way I do so…”

He stopped her gripping her hands tenderly as he gazed deep into her hypnotic eyes as he says, “I wish things were different with us India…I really wish I could have you in my life permanently.”

She smiled as she replied, “Jacques…I’m really flattered and I like you…I do like you a lot, but I have my career to think about and right now it seems to be moving up pretty fast these days.”

He looked at her captivated as he replied, “You have been promoted?”

She smiled as she replied, “Well…not exactly…I’ve been offered a position with a firm with an extremely high paying salary and I have to give them my decision by tomorrow!” The job is everything that I’ve been wanting in my career but…”

He immediately interrupted, “But what…India you should take it…what could be the reason that would keep you from advancing to the position that you desire?”

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