Seductive Company - By Redsnapper Page 0,56

slowly closed the door behind her, locking it. She instantly removed her sandals and strolled directly into her bedroom. As she began to undress, an unidentified woman turned to face her as he lay in the bed.

“’d it go baby?”

She looked distraught as she replied, “I don’t know...but I think she knows something!” “She knows that Travis is up to something!”

She quickly sat up as she responded to her words, “What do you mean?” “What did she say?”

Danika strolled over completely nude toward the bed and climbed in, getting under the covers as she responded, She’s been talking to that bitch, Marjorie...I told you that we shouldn’t have let her get close to her...what if she fucks this shit up for us?”

The unidentified woman gently put her chocolate arms around her diminutive waist as she replied, “Don’t you worry baby...I got this shit under control!” “Just let me get to that packet before it goes to the corporate office by carrier tomorrow!” “Once that’s done...we’ll be rich beyond our wildest dreams!”

She smiled at her as she turned away with her back towards her. Her friend quickly begin to snore as Danika laid there thinking, “I wonder if what she said was true...I wonder if I’m getting set up too?”


The mid-morning sun was tremendously bright as the tropical Caribbean breeze rushed through the clear blue ocean waters on the tremendously white sandy beach. India was standing on the balcony facing the picturesque ocean as she thought, “I need to find out when he’s planning to send that packet to the mainland...but how?” “I know I’ll call Whitney and see if she can help me.” She turned around to pick up her cell phone from the table and quickly dialed Whitney’s number. The phone rang several times and then she quickly answered, “Hello!”

“Hey...Good’d it go last night?”

She giggled as she responded, “Well...he really believed that I was the one he fucked back at the convention in Philly.” “You really had his ass sprung, girl!”

India smiled as she replied, “I don’t know why...I don’t even remember sleeping with him!” “Hey, look...I need you to do something else for me...where are you?”

She sat up in the bed and got up as she replied, “I’m in my room, why?”

India replied, “Are you planning on seeing him today...I need to get something from him but you have to do it...I can’t and it’s important!”

Whitney responded with concern in her voice, “What is it that you want me to get from him?”

India sighed as she replied, “I need you to see if he has a large brown packet in his room...if he does...I need you to get it for me, can you do that for me, Whitney?”

She smiled as she stood up and strolled toward the sliding doors.

“Sure...I can get it for you...but what’s it worth to ya’ll?”

India smiled as she replied, “Well...I can make sure that you get well compensated but you’ve got to trust me!” “Have I even let you down before?”

She sighed, as she answered, “No...You’ve always been fair to me...okay I’ll help you, but I need my money, okay?”

Whitney quickly hung up the phone as Danika turned around to face her. She looked at her sleepy eyed as she responded, “Who was that on the phone?”

Whitney looked at her ridiculous as she replied, “It was your girl...India!”

Danika quickly sat up in the bed as she responded, “India...what did she want?” “You didn’t tell her that you were with me did you?”

“No she thought I was in my room. She didn’t know that I slipped a “mickie” in his drink and came here with you late last night.”

Danika got out of bed as she replied, “So what did she want...I know she wants you to do something...WHAT IS HER REQUEST?”

Whitney gazed at her as she replied, “She asked me to help her get some information from Travis about some fuckin’ packet that he’s sending back to your corporate offices.” “You both are getting on my nerves about this damn packet!”

Danika smiled as she replied, “Yeah...well that fuckin’ packet is gonna make us filthy rich if we play our cards right!” “Get her the information...that way we can use it for ourselves and change the information so that she’s the one that gets caught up!”

Danika strolled out of the bedroom into the bathroom as Whitney faced the window. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it and quickly allowed smoke to filter from her nose as she thought, “You know, I’ve known India a Copyright 2016 - 2024