Seductive Company - By Redsnapper Page 0,48


He continued to gaze at the mirror for a few minutes, than he stood up and removed the rest of his garments. He strolled into the bathroom, turned on the shower and began to wash his chiseled physique. As the sound of the shower muffled his hearing, his phone began to ring. He continued with his shower, not realizing that his phone was ringing. It rang and rang for several minutes as the caller on the other end waited for him to answer. After about have an hour past, he finally finished his shower, grabbed his towel and began to dry off. He glanced over toward his phone a noticed it was blinking. He sighed as he immediately ran over to retrieve it. He looked at the missed call and noticed it was an international call. He knew that he had missed his chance to talk to India and he looked up at the ceiling, “Damn…I missed her call!” “I’d better try to call her back!”

He immediately dialed the number on the caller id. The number rang and rang then suddenly a voice came on which said, “All circuits are busy right now…please try your call again, later.”

He immediately tried to call again and he received the same message. He tried repeatedly but he could not get through. He threw the phone on the bed as he sighed, putting his hand on his head. He sat on the edge of the bed as he thought, “Maybe she called Ursula…I’ll call her!”

He quickly dialed Ursula’s number and it began to ring. It rang and rang then suddenly her answering service came on, “I’m sorry but I can’t come to the phone right now…but if you would leave your name and number, I’ll be sure to get back with you…thanks and have a blessed day.”

Marc said a few choice words as he lay back on the bed with the phone still in hand. “SHIT…why didn’t I hear the fuckin’ phone ringing?”

Meanwhile back in the Bahamas, India gazed at her phone and then placed it back on her ear with the hopes that Marc would answer. She sighed as she pushed the button ending the call. She thought, “I know he’s probably left the office by now…I just needed him to send me some documents via carrier.” “I’ll just call Ursula later...maybe she can get him to do it for me”

She slowly strolled back toward the main section of the bungalow as she observed Lady Davenport lying on her side with Cameron feeding her all types of different exotic fruits. She immediately recognized India, stretching her arm toward her as she said, “Cheers…to you, Darling!” “I think that your decision to become a part of this extravagant corporation will be one that you will never regret.” “Besides…you must know the truth about your superior.” You know he was planning to sale your pretty ass out?”

India paused in place, gazing at her as she said, “What do you mean…sale me out?”

Lady Davenport smiled as she stood up and began to saunter over toward her. She stepped up to her, glaring straight in her pretty brown eyes as she replied, “I heard from a reliable source that your Mr. St. Croix is in the process of concluding a major marketing deal with Chase, Rollins, and Martin, a major competitor of my corporation.” “He’s planning to inform your Chief Executive Officer that you and your colleague, Ms. Winfield traveled here to Nassau on your own accord with the hopes of sabotaging the original strategy of getting Bahamas corporations to collaborate with yours.” “He’s also planning to entrap you by exposing you and your friend as the major conspirators that deliberately orchestrated this deceitful plan, which was not authorized by your corporation.”

The statement that Lady Davenport made as she tried to decipher why Travis was not only setting her up for failure, but setting up Danika as well staggered India. She slowly strolled toward the love seat just next to the bar as she thought, “So this whole project was a plot to bring me down…well…let’s just see about that.”

She sipped her beverage as she crossed her legs while gazing toward Lady Davenport. She watched Lady Davenport as she smiled back at her with a mischievous grin. India was in no position to challenge her, even if she felt she was pulling her leg. She had to go with the flow and she knew she had to do it shrewdly.

She smiled back at her as she asked, Copyright 2016 - 2024