Seductive Company - By Redsnapper Page 0,100

over the threshold on their wedding night. He looked down at her suddenly realizing that this was the first time that he had ever been this close to her. He observed her pearly white skin and her blonde hair that was now covering her left cheek. He thought as he got to the foyer of the building, “She ain’t half bad...she just needs to find someone for herself!”

Finally, Marc got Ursula to her apartment door. He put her down to get her to stand on her feet and then he asked, “Do you have your key?”

He gazed down at her as he noticed that her nipples were now protruding through her sheer blouse, which made him, began to sweat. He slowly squeezed her nipple as she requested and she closed her eyes so she could tune into his touch. He had to admit to himself that her breast was feeling good as he suddenly realized that he had never been inside a white woman before. As the thought dwelled in his mind for a brief minute, he quickly pulled his hand out of her blouse as he thought about what he was doing. He quickly regrouped and stuck the key into the door lock, twisted it, to unlock the door. What happened next took him by surprise as the door opened wide; she immediately reached up and kissed him. As she kissed him, he did not return the kiss as she continues to pull him into her apartment. He looked down at her and says, “Why are you doing this know how I feel!”

He grabbed her slightly pushing her into the apartment and closing the door behind him. She tried to kiss him again but he refused as he tried to get her to go into the bedroom to lie down. She continued to pursue him as she took off her blouse exposing her large mammaries to him. He stood there for a brief moment as he gazed at her creamy white breasts and her pick hard nipples. As he tried to stay focused on what he was doing , he quickly grabbed the folded blanket that was lying on the end of the bed and wrapped it around her, as he said, “Ursula...please get a hold of you...stop this I say!’

As he pushed the buttons with his thumbs, he felt a slight tug as the latches holding the attaché case closed suddenly released, opening the case. He quickly opened his eyes as he pushed open the case and searched the contents. He moved around the papers that were covering a large brown packet. As he moved the papers around, he carefully took the packet out of the case and observed it. He sighed as he whispered in a low breath, “Whatever’s in this packet...I know India is not part of it!”

He unhurriedly opened the packet, slowly pulling out the contents within as he whispered again, “Whatever’s in this packet...I know India is not part of it!”

He commenced to filter through the papers until he came across some photos, which were of India, and several different sexual partners having some alluring and detailed sex. Marc was devastated as he flipped through the photos. He tried extremely hard to refute the images that he saw in those photos as he tried to disbelieve that India would be part of a conspiracy to embezzle millions from the corporation to fund an explicit sexual pleasure ring. He was completely distraught as he put the contents back into the packet, placing back in her attaché case. One thing he did notice was the facial features on the photos of India was a little distorted which left him to believe that it was possibility that she could be caught in the middle of a set-up scandal. He strolled toward the door as he thought, “I’ve got to find out more about this...It really doesn’t make sense...I just don’t believe India could do something like this!” “I’m gonna find out one way or another...who’s behind this shit

Several hours later India was standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to open as she thought about Whitney. She knew that she was about to go back home and she wanted to thank her for all she had done to keep her secret in the closet. As the elevators doors opened, several members of the Bahamian Police Department stopped her as she stepped out of the elevator. Her heart skipped a beat as she tried to find out what had happened down the hall. After she and several other guests were told to stay behind, the now stretched out “DO NOT CROSS – POLICE tape, she quickly noticed that all the commotion was coming from her friend, Whitney’s suite. Now she was really feeling timorous as she thought, “Should I tell them that I know her or should I just keep my mouth shut?” “What happened down there?”

Marc quickly got up out of his chair and raced to the break room where there was a news flash on the television. He looked up at the screen as he watched the breaking news unfolding. As the newscaster started to report the breaking news: “This is truly a tragic event as the local Bahamian authorities are now investigating the mysterious murder of an African-American female tourist, who was in the country visiting to whom we believe to be a senior executive from the Bluefield Marketing Group; Which is one of America’s top marketing corporations visiting the Bahamas as part of a International Marketing initiative that has been taking place there for the last few months...there is no word on whether this senior executive is involved with the death of this young woman; whose name has not been identified as of yet.” “We have not received any statements from the Corporation at this time and so far according to Police, there are no leads other than their request to converse with the alleged s

Ursula looked at Marc dumbfounded as she replied, “No but I’ve heard that this particular guy has been causing problems for India since she’s been on that assignment...wait is India alright?” “Have you spoken with her?”

She looked down toward the floor as she thought, “Okay Marc but...I really think she’s part of this and I’m gonna prove it!”

India sighed heavily as she began to explain, “Well…I’ve been doing a little freelance call girl stuff in the evenings.” “You know just doing something to keep me busy…I didn’t want to be in a relationship so I thought this was a great way to get laid and to make some money as well, anyway. I was at a corporate convention about four years ago and that is when I first met Travis St. Croix.” “One of the nights there they hosted a masquerade party.” “I was there and Travis was after me the whole night, but he didn’t know it was me because we were wearing costumes and mask.” “Well I guess I had too much to drink and I ended up having sex with him.” “Anyway he tracked me down and put me on this assignment thinking that he could get with me again.” “I told him that he had never been with me and that it was someone else.” “So…I had my friend, Whitney to come down here to sleep with him, making him think it was me so I could walk in, catch them and then he would think that I really was not the

The voice on the other began to chuckle as they replied, “You let me handle Danika…she’ll get what’s coming to her!” “So you fell in love with her…you know this was not part of the damn plan, Marjorie!” “She’s the one who’s supposed to go down for this shit…remembers?”

India smiled slightly and then she responded, “I spoke with Travis this morning and he claims that all of this is some type of set up that involves you…are you part of this con Lady Davenport?” “Are you involved in getting me to take the fall for this scam that he’s taking about?”

Fade to black…Stay tuned Part II coming soon! Copyright 2016 - 2024