The Seduction (Finding Forever #2) - Jessie Jones Page 0,43

I'll show myself out."

Gillian watched her new boss turn and head toward the foyer. Hearing the door close behind him, Gillian let out a loud, heavy sigh as she looked around the massive room that was ideally designed. The room was a perfect contradiction to her life at the moment. Not only had she been running from John and her feelings for him, she was also running from Galen Stavros and his twisted father. Gillian had contemplated finding another place to live in London, but when she had gone back to work, Galen had dropped by the hospital. The moment she saw him, Gillian had fled. Galen had not only brought himself but four of his henchmen. The man had made it clear that he would kill her if he ever got his hands on her again, but that would be after he and his father raped her. Gillian would rather kill herself before she allowed Galen to hurt her like that. Moving to France had not been her first choice, but it was the best she could do in a pinch. It, at least, gave her time to come up with a better plan.

Running from Galen was not Gillian's only problem. The lovely, American doctor had spent her entire life living in total and complete anonymity, but John had left her vulnerable by exposing her identity to the world. The British billionaire had intentionally linked himself to her, and her picture was now plastered all over the television and internet. Her only saving grace was that no one knew her name. Media outlets were reporting that Gillian was John's fiancée and could not get past his open displays of affection with her. They also found it curious that John had allowed Patrick to be openly intimate with her. The two men were extremely private with their personal lives and had never "shared" a woman publicly before. Plus, media sources had never observed John Kenric displaying any type of emotion in public toward a woman, let alone shutting down an entire high profile event so he could be alone with her. Gillian desperately wanted to believe the reports, but somehow doubted that she was the first woman John had openly expressed feelings with, especially when he had appeared to be one, raw exposed nerve with her.

Pushing aside her thoughts, Gillian began moving what little she had into the chateau. Dropping down into the plush chair, the beautiful doctor closed her eyes for a moment. She was both physically and mentally exhausted. Not only had she been unable to sleep for more than a couple hours since leaving the British billionaire, but every time she did close her eyes, all she saw was John. Truth be told, he and Patrick plagued her thoughts almost every minute of every day. Why the hell couldn't she seem to get over the Brit? John had made his feelings for her clear when he had kicked her out of his home. His feelings for her had changed so abruptly from the night before. John had been so affectionate, passionate, and tender as the two had made love for hours into the wee morning. Why had he left her bed for Pandora? Not only had he gone to the exotic beauty but had openly admitted it. Gillian had felt a little piece of herself die when John had spoken those words. Never in her life, had someone hurt her as deeply as John had. She regretted slapping him in the face and could not get the hurt she had seen flash in his eyes out of her head. Even after he'd treated her like shit, Gillian still wanted John Kenric. Stop thinking about him, she chastised herself as she opened her emerald eyes and wiped away the tears. He didn't give a damn about her, so why should she care about him?

"Excusez-moi, mademoiselle," the petite, middle aged woman said softly as she walked into the room. When Gillian shot to her feet and vigorously wiped at her eyes, the blonde in the simple, beige dress said, "I did not mean to frighten you. My name is Brigitte, and I am the manager of this chateau. I wanted to introduce myself and see if you needed assistance with anything."

Tucking the fallen strands from her ponytail behind her ears and feeling embarrassed for being caught crying, Gillian quickly said, "No, I'm fine. It must be my allergies making my eyes water."

"Are you sure, mademoiselle?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Brigitte. I Copyright 2016 - 2024