The Seduction (Finding Forever #2) - Jessie Jones Page 0,36

she thought about leaving John. However, she could not get Pandora's words out of her head. She did know John's body, but beyond that, the man was a mystery. Maybe he treated all of his women the way he had her. That thought had a tear escaping her eye.

Feeling Stewart's eyes on her, Gillian quickly wiped the tear off her cheek. Wiping her nose with the back of her hand, she avoided his eyes as she said, "Thanks for the juice, Stewart. Look, I need to clean up. I'm assuming the clothes you laid out are for me?"

"Yes, they are," Stewart replied, hating the sadness he saw in her eyes. "Before you begin your morning routine, miss, John asked me to give you a message. He wants to apologize for not being present to wake you himself, but he and Patrick had some urgent business to tend to this morning. John would, however, like you to join him for breakfast downstairs in an hour or so. Will you be joining him?"

"Sure," Gillian replied softly. Maybe she could talk to John about her feelings and where they went from here. She didn't think he was a monogamous relationship kind of guy, but his attraction to her had been strong. Would he be interested in dating, or was John into sexual relationships only? There was no way she could be with John and watch him sleep with other women. There had to be more to his feelings that just a man who wanted a journal she possessed. Besides, Gillian had already given him access to the book last night, so the fact that John still wanted to spend time with her this morning was a good sign.

"Well, I will leave you to your bath, Dr. Morgan. If you need anything, simply call. A maid will be here in a few moments to straighten up." Stewart smiled as he turned and headed toward the door of John's chamber.

When the door to the room closed, Gillian slowly climbed out of the bed and wrapped the bed sheet around her. Walking down to the foot of the bed, her emerald eyes looked over the clothes. She was pleased to find a pair of hip hugger jeans, a white, scoop neck t-shirt, and a short sleeved grey cardigan. She also found a white, lacy bra and matching thong. If the clothes were purchased by John, the Brit clearly was tapped into the things that she liked to wear. Grabbing the clothes, Gillian made her way to the bathroom.

Just as her hand touched the door handle of the bathroom, Gillian heard the door to the bedroom open. She was stunned to turn around and see Pandora standing there in an almost transparent, black negligee. Heat immediately shot to the American's face when the Greek woman smiled at her. Through her rage, she barely heard Pandora say, "Oh, you're still here. John thought that you would already be downstairs."

"When the hell did you talk to John?" Gillian asked, anger and hurt evident in her emerald eyes as they roamed over Pandora's barely-there clothing. "Stewart told me he had urgent business this morning."

"Urgent business, huh?" Pandora chuckled as she leaned back against the door. "Never heard John refer to me as that before, but then he was in a hurry to get me naked."

Gillian straightened her back regally and could feel the tears filling the back of her eyes as she tried to evenly ask, "You saw John this morning?"

"Of course, sweetie." Pandora smiled as she hungrily licked his lips. "A couple of times, actually. Who do you think told me to come here?"

The breath caught in Gillian's throat as she closed her eyes for a moment and just stood there. The pain in her chest grew more intense, and the numbness she was feeling intensified as Pandora's words sunk in. John had left her bed this morning so he could sleep with the Greek woman. Everything had been a lie! How could a man who slept with so many women want only one? Gillian had watched John push Pandora away last night at the party and make her leave. She had secretly hoped that John was getting rid of his mistress, but she had been a fool to think that. Swallowing the large, hard lump in her throat, the beautiful American opened her eyes as the tears blinded her vision. Without conscious thought, she quickly crossed the wide room and approached Pandora. Before she knew what was happening, Copyright 2016 - 2024