Seducing a Stranger (Victorian Rebels #7) - Kerrigan Byrne Page 0,62

The desperate, crude word from lips such as his was indescribably erotic as it vibrated against her skin.

His fingers grazed her heat, producing a gasp between them. Prudence clawed at his shoulders and the short layers at his nape as he found the soft, turgid flesh already swollen and damp with desire.

“Yes,” the word escaped on a jagged breath and her body moved sinuously, her hips curling forward, seeking the forbidden pleasure of his intimate caress.

He angled back just enough to look down at her. His face half exposed to the grey light, and half in darkness. The dangerous glint in his eye caused her to catch her breath before the slick movement of his fingers forced her to release it on a whimpering plea.

He watched her like a man witnessing a miracle or mapping the very cosmos, his features a mask of reverent awe and blasphemous lust.

“So wet,” he breathed, his thumb circling the aperture of aching flesh above her opening.

She couldn’t answer.

He didn’t need her to.

As he evoked thrills of molten pleasure in her womb with the relentless pressure of his thumb, his finger slid through the ruffles of flesh protecting the entrance to her body, probing gently before sliding inside.

The electric delight of the intrusion drew from her throat a desperate sound she’d not known herself humanly capable of making.

“So tight,” he ground out as though in agony.

She wanted to say something. To entice and encourage him. To praise and plead with him. But every time she opened her mouth, only a mewl or a moan would escape as she suffered instant and excruciating rapture at the mercy of his clever fingers.

He covered her mouth with his, swallowing the sounds as her pleasure intensified into a surge of throbbing beats as wild as primitive drums. Her hands clawed at him, her thighs clenched as spasms of bliss assaulted her, driving against her like the unrelenting waves of a violent storm. She was helpless to do anything but ride his hand, emitting strangled sobs, as her release drenched his fingers.

She was too pleasured to be scandalized by their wickedness. Too captive of her passions to be worried about discovery. She existed only in this moment. In this place where he dismantled the woman she was and rebuilt someone new. A creature of desire and darkness, suffused with only one need.

Him. This. Them.

He didn’t bring her down gently this time, didn’t take the time to soothe or distract her with drugging, lavish kisses, or to croon sweet words against her flushed skin. His hand left her only for a moment as his hips levered away.

And then it was there. Thick and hot and pulsing.

The crown of his cock brushed her sex and she bloomed like a garden of summer roses. She’d yet to regain her breath before he thrust forward, filling her with a sensation so infinitely wonderful, it unstitched her at her very core.

The sound he made could not have been less human. It was both dark and divine. Tormented and victorious.

Through the haze of frenzy and desire, Prudence recognized this for what it was. Her husband was claiming her. Possessing her with demanding aggression and fierce, primal need.


He paused only at the hilt, grinding his hips to hers as if testing her depths. Even stretched to the limits of her physical capacity, Prudence welcomed every inch of him. Wishing she could take him deeper, that they could truly meld into one.

The moment lasted but the space of a breath before instinct seized them both. She quivered with delight as he withdrew and filled her again and again with relentless, almost vicious, thrusts. His eyes were glazed pools of silver and shadow. His jaw clenched. His body a bunched, lithe machine of muscle, wrath, and unspent passion.

He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

“Again,” he commanded tightly.

She shook her head, unable to express her lack of comprehension verbally.

His hand plunged beneath her skirts, stroking her where their bodies joined until it found the source of her intimate bliss once more. “I want to feel you…around me. Coming. Clenching…” His thrusts deepened, his muscles straining tighter as he thrummed at her with slick, masterful motions. “I…need…”

Without preamble, Prudence shattered into shards of pleasure. She flew apart, her soul rending from a body unused to and unready for such pure, electrifying ecstasy. Her head fell back on her shoulders, exposing her neck. He latched onto it like a fiend, laving and sucking and nipping at the tender flesh there Copyright 2016 - 2024