Seducing The Enemy - Shayla Black Page 0,4

little rich girl who doesn’t see her good fortune.

“Then what can I give you, princess?”

“A kiss.” She looks so earnest. “Please. You’ll be the first.”

My heart stops as I stare at her tempting mouth. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Whitney.”

I manage to get the words out, but my protest is weak. How can it be anything else when I want her so badly?

“Maybe not, but I think you want to. I see the way you look at me.”

It would be easier to lie and tell her she’s mistaken, but I can’t crush her. “I want to, but Vance…”

“He has nothing to do with us. In case you hadn’t guessed, I…like you. I just want a kiss.”

It’s wrong, and I know it, but I thread our fingers together for one simple reason. “I like you, too. I think about you a lot. But you’re underage.”

“I’m not a child.”

She’s really not. She’s actually pretty mature. God knows her body has filled out in all the right places, like a full-grown woman’s.

“You have no idea how badly I want to say yes.”

A new smile brightens her face. “Really?”

“Yeah,” I admit roughly as I stare at the three stories of windows that make up the back of the vast house. Vance could be watching us even now. “But we can’t. Not here.”

I drop Whitney’s hand.

“Definitely not here,” she agrees. “I’ll be in my room, Jett. Waiting.”

Then she takes her cupcake and her music and disappears inside. I heave a deep breath as I watch her go, the tiny triangle of fabric revealing more of her ass than it covers.

God, I want her. I crave her so badly I’m shaking.

I shouldn’t give in. I should stop myself from even laying a finger on her.

But she’s giving me the chance to kiss her, be the first man to take her lips. That does something to me. Lights my possessive fire. Makes me want to growl that she’s mine.

It’s wrong and it’s dangerous and I should have my fucking head examined. Knowing the feel of her will only make my lust burn a million times hotter.

But I don’t care. I’m going to do it.

I’m going to kiss Whitney Chancellor.

Dragging in a breath, I push my way into the house and look around. It’s empty. Her dad is at work. Her mom is out getting stuff for Whitney’s party tonight. Vance is in the study, on a conference call.

It’s now or never.

Resolution firing up my veins, I march upstairs. Whitney’s door is cracked. I see her pacing.

I ease in, heart pounding, and shut the door behind me.

She stops and blinks up, meeting my stare. “Jett?”

Am I going to kiss her? That’s the subtext of her question.

I nod and stalk across the room, every move clipped. As if I need to leave all my doubts behind. As if I can’t reach her fast enough.

Finally, I cup her cheek and slide against her body. My free hand palms her nape. Willingly, she tilts her head and meets my stare. It’s not merely that she’s looking at me, but the way she’s doing it, like she’s completely open to me.

Like she’s completely mine.


There’s nothing else to say when the candy lips I want are so sweetly parted just inches under my own.

I bend to her, dragging my thumb across her so-soft cheek, and watch her wide hazel eyes slide shut.

Fuck, this is surreal. But it’s the best dream imaginable. Princess Whitney wants me, and all I have to do to please her is take her mouth with my own.


Finally, I touch my lips to hers. I hear her little indrawn breath. She tenses against me, fingers digging into my shoulders. But the way she’s wriggling to get closer tells me she’s every bit as nervous and eager as I am.

This means something to her. Every bit as much as it means to me?

I sink into the kiss. She puckers, and it’s sweetly unpracticed. I regroup and redouble my effort until she’s less hesitant. Then I nudge her lips apart. She offers no resistance, shyly softening and conforming herself to me.

Need and impatience claw at my restraint. I’m slipping.

A groan tears free when I slide inside Whitney’s mouth. She welcomes me. And she’s like sugar on my tongue. I clutch her tighter as I deepen the kiss.

She’s with me, pucker for pucker, tongues stroking, lips clinging, breaths harsh.

Suddenly, she’s sinking onto her bed. I follow her down, wholly unwilling to stop kissing her, especially when her body is under Copyright 2016 - 2024