Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,70

gigantic proportions. In that instant she wasn’t sure what was the loudest. His holler or her scream. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but this and each other.

She knew at that moment that Mercury Morris Steele was all she wanted and needed in her life.

“Will you marry me, Sloan?”

She opened her eyes to stare up into his. She felt his shaft stretching her again. “Marry you?”


What man could ask a woman that in the middle of making love? She smiled. Mercury could. Mercury would. Mercury just did. Her answer would be just as spontaneous as his question had been. “Yes! I will marry you.”

He smiled down at her before capturing her mouth with a long, deep, thorough kiss. And then he began moving again, putting her inner muscles to work once more. Both of them were determined to drive each other off the edge. They had tonight and the rest of their lives to make it happen. And they would.


One month later

Mercury smiled when he entered his condo to the aroma of food. Since finishing her cooking class, Sloan enjoyed coming over to his place and surprising him with different dishes. So far, he hadn’t convinced her to move in with him.

He’d known she still needed the little bit of freedom and independence that came with having her own space, and he loved her enough to understand the need and give it to her. Just as long as he had this: her occasional surprise visits that often lasted for days.

They would be getting married; they just hadn’t set a date yet. Understandably, she didn’t relish a large wedding and promised to let him know when she was ready. Hell, he was ready but refused to rush her.

He walked into his kitchen and the woman he loved with all his heart was bending over to check something in the oven. His gaze roamed over her backside. She had the most delectable and sexiest behind of any woman he knew. It was perfect. As far as he was concerned, everything about Sloan Elizabeth Donahue was perfect.

“Something smells good.”

She jerked her head up. She smiled, closed the oven and raced across the room to jump into his arms. His hands immediately went to that backside he’d just been admiring to support her in place.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled brightly at him. “You’re early.”

He returned her smile. “No, for you I’m right on time. Always.”

Her smile seemed to brighten even more. “Yes, always.”

And then he kissed her with all the love in his heart. She was his and he was hers. Both he and his family had been there for her two weeks ago when her father had been one of ten businessmen arrested. She had called to talk to her parents but they tried shifting the blame. Saying that if she’d married Harold when they’d wanted her to, then they would have had the money to pay off their extortionist.

Mercury knew some people were better off not becoming parents, and the Donahues were a prime example of those who shouldn’t. But then they would not have created this beautiful woman in his arms. Then where would he be? Still a Bad News Steele with the only direction in his life being to some woman’s bedroom.

Now he had a purpose, which was to make Sloan happy. Hell, he’d even made his mother happy by becoming an engaged man. Eden was just waiting for them to give her word so she could start planning what was supposed to be a small wedding. She claimed all she needed were two weeks, and knowing his mother, he had no reason not to believe her. He’d warned Sloan about how big the Steele family was and not to be surprised if a small wedding became a rather large one.

No matter how hellish his days might have been, it was nice knowing he had this. He had her. He broke off the kiss and smiled when he saw how desire filled her eyes.

“I love you, Mercury.”

He leaned in and pressed another kiss on her lips. “I love you, too.”

“And I’m ready for Eden to start planning our wedding.”

He went momentarily still. “You sure?”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Yes! I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I’m ready to be your wife, move in here with you, proudly wear your ring, one day have your babies, take your name, be your life partner in everything. I want it all.”

“And I’m going to make sure you get everything you want.”

And then he was kissing her again, knowing their lives together would be filled with plenty of love and happiness. Copyright 2016 - 2024