Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,55

problem with her.

It was his problem and he was the one who needed to find a solution.

When he walked over the threshold, the scent of his cologne was enough to make her insides shiver. He stopped in front of her and that was when she saw the package he was holding. “This is a housewarming gift for you.”

She looked down at the prettily wrapped white box with a sky blue bow. “Thank you, Mercury.”

“You’re welcome.”

He stepped back and she closed the door. “I was about to have a glass of wine. Would you like to share one with me?” she invited.

“Yes, I’d like to.”

Her gaze roamed the length of him, and she thought, yes, she would like to as well, but the thought had nothing to do with a glass of wine. Had those gorgeous green eyes darkened just a bit?

She moved away from the door to stroll toward the kitchen and he walked beside her. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him taking note of the changes she’d made. Flowers, new pictures on the walls and pretty curtains to replace the boring blinds. Going shopping with his mom and sisters-in-law on Saturday had been great. They had taken her to stores that kept her within her budget.

Sloan could just imagine what he was thinking. She’d been busy and she hoped he assumed she’d been much too occupied to even remember he existed. Maybe she wouldn’t go that far, but she hoped he hadn’t thought she’d missed him, even if she had.

When they reached the kitchen, he stopped in the doorway, probably noticing the changes in here, as well. She placed the gift he’d given her on the table before going straight to the wine bottle on the counter. Opening a cabinet, she pulled out two glasses.

“Need help with anything?” he asked.

“No, I’ve got this,” she said, and a part of her wished she had him, too. She blamed her thoughts on his sisters-in-law. It was obvious they loved being married to their Steele husbands. It didn’t take long to discover they also enjoyed bedtime with their spouses. Could sex be that exciting and enjoyable? Evidently for them it was, which made her wonder if she had made a mistake allowing Carlos to be her first and last. Was there something she’d been missing? Listening to them had given her the impression that maybe she had.

“The place looks nice,” he said. “I like all the changes you’ve made.”

“Thanks,” she said, looking at him quickly before returning her attention to pouring the wine.

“You look nice, too, Sloan.”

She glanced down at herself. He had to be kidding. She was in pj’s and fairly decent. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she doubted he would notice.

It was only when she carried the glasses of wine over to the table that he moved away from the doorway to join her. “Thanks.”

Deciding to get her mind onto something else and off him, she asked, “Have you gotten the payment information for the car yet?”


She nodded. “What about the printout for the payment plan information for the loan? Or the papers on the apartment here?”

“No and no. There’s no rush.”

There was for her. “I need to be able to figure all that into my budget. I bought one of those online programs to help me keep things straight.” When she sat down, he eased into the chair across from her. Before taking a sip of her wine, she decided to open his gift. “Oh, Mercury. It’s beautiful.” He’d given her a crystal paperweight in the shape of a globe.

“I heard the good news about your job with Miss Universe. Congratulations. I understand you’ll be traveling a lot internationally. I thought that globe would be a reminder that all the world is out there for you to see.”

Yes, it was, and she wished she could say she was ready for the adventure, but she wasn’t. She still had to uncover things regarding her parents. Namely why it was so important to them that she marry Harold. “I have a place on my Copyright 2016 - 2024