Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,49

It was during that time that he’d felt emotions that were so unlike him. Totally uncharacteristic. Atypical. She had the ability to make him behave like a totally different guy. Like now.

Drawing in a deep breath, Mercury knew there was no reason for him to still be here. She was in her apartment and had a car, which meant his services were no longer needed. He should be on his way to Notorious to get an early start on the weekend and check the lineup of women who were probably already there. Ready for some action, a one-night stand, a Mercury quickie or a Mercury Steele seduction.

Yet he was still here, watching her, staring as she strolled from room to room, admiring her beauty. He loved the size of her breasts and the shape of her thighs, easily displayed whenever she moved. There was a gracefulness about her stride. He figured she’d probably attended one of those finishing schools, and that was the reason she and Galen’s wife, Brittany, had hit it off last night. But then, Sloan had impressed everyone without even trying to do so.

He’d meant what he’d told her in the car. When she met with Ms. Fowler on Monday she should just be herself. There was something about her that drew people in. His brothers, parents and sisters-in-law had been drawn in immediately. It had taken a little longer for him, only because of their rocky beginning. But now he was all in, and like the rest of the Steeles, he was Team Sloan.

She stopped walking, turned and gave him a smile that heightened his pulse and made a hard hum of lust flare through his veins. Her smile and his reaction to it had been so unexpected he’d immediately shifted, feeling weak in the knees. Otherwise, he might have fallen flat on his face.

What was he thinking? No woman could make him fall flat.

“Tell me about your apartment, Mercury.”

Why did she want to know about his apartment? Usually when a woman asked about his apartment, that meant she was hinting at an invitation. However, he doubted that was the case with Sloan. “What would you like to know about it?”

“Although this place is furnished, I’m still considering decorating ideas. Nothing costly. Definitely within my budget.”

He liked how she was forever mindful of her budget, trying hard not to overspend. He knew that would be something she would have to get used to since that hadn’t been her way of life before now. “Unlike these white walls, mine are colorful.”


“Yes. It wasn’t my choice. I hired a decorator and told her to do her own thing. Unfortunately, she was into bold colors. It took me a while to get used to them, but now I can’t imagine my walls any other way.”

She tipped her finger to her chin and glanced around, as if thinking about it. Why did seeing her doing something so mundane look sexy as hell? He bet she would be hot in bed.

He forced back a groan, knowing he shouldn’t be thinking of Sloan in a sexual way. But he had and this wasn’t the first time he’d done so. And why not? She was a woman. He was a man. He’d already admitted to their attraction by kissing her. And they had been kisses he’d totally enjoyed. Kisses he’d gone to bed thinking about. Kisses that were becoming greedier and more erotic every time they shared them.

What had Jonas told him at dinner last night? It had been obvious to everyone that Mercury and Sloan had been kissing when they walked out of his mother’s office because their lips were swollen. For that to happen had meant some heavy-duty kissing had gone down behind those closed doors. He would admit it had.

Normally, if he was attracted to a woman, he would have made several home runs by now. With Sloan, he hadn’t even tried swinging. He’d been satisfied with going to the bat with the kisses. He’d figured she had too many issues for him. Issues he didn’t want to become involved with.

Now, that was a laugh since he was involved. All the way up to his balls.

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