Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,43

up off the floor. She had spoken in fluent Russian. That meant she had not only heard their conversation but had understood every single thing they’d been saying about her.

“Did you know she spoke Russian?” Tyson asked him when they were able to speak.

Still in shock, Mercury shook his head no. The only words he could mutter at that moment were “Ahh hell.”

“Eden, someone is at the door,” Sloan said, returning to the kitchen.

“Oh? Thanks. I hadn’t heard the doorbell,” Eden said, wiping her hands on a dish towel before leaving the kitchen.

The other women continued their talk about the latest in fashion and makeup, but Sloan was having a problem contributing. She wished she could put the conversation she’d heard between Mercury and his brothers out of her mind, but she couldn’t. Because they’d assumed she didn’t understand Russian, they’d felt safe talking about her. At least she knew Mercury’s brothers liked her, but he never said whether he did or not.


She glanced up to see Eden had returned. “Yes?”

“There’s a young man here to see you and he says he’s your fiancé.”

Harold was here? Mercury had warned her that he could possibly track her in Phoenix, but she honestly hadn’t thought he would. He had a lot of nerve coming here. Anger consumed her. “Where is he?”

“I left him in the living room.”

“Do I need to go get Mercury?” Eli’s wife, Stacey, asked nervously.

Sloan shook her head. “No, I’ve got this.” She walked out of the kitchen and headed toward the living room.

It didn’t take her long to get there. Harold seemed to be standing in the middle of it and he looked annoyed. She was grateful the women hadn’t followed her. This would be a conversation she and Harold needed to have alone. It was embarrassing enough that he had shown up here. “What are you doing here, Harold?”

He glanced over at her and frowned. “I’m glad your father had a tracker on your phone, or I would not have been able to find you. I called him and he texted me directions straight here.”

Agitated, Sloan asked him again, “What are you doing here?”

He had the nerve to smile. “That’s obvious. I came for you. I told you that I would. We have a wedding to plan in Cincinnati.”

“No, we don’t. I told you that. The wedding is off. You should not have come.”

He stared at her. “The wedding is on and we’re getting married in August.”

“Is everything okay, Sloan?”

Hearing the deep voice, Sloan turned to find Mercury, his father and brothers had entered the room. Also, the women. The living room was large enough to accommodate everyone and she didn’t resent their presence, but instead felt it was reassuring. In their own way, this family she’d only known for two days was telling her they had her back.

“Yes, Mercury, I’m—”

Before she could finish her response, Harold rudely cut in and said, “Hello, everyone. Thanks for looking out for Sloan, but we have a plane to catch. Her parents have been worried about her.”

Sloan wanted to laugh at that. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Harold had the nerve to chuckle. “Sure you are, sweetheart.” He then glanced around at everyone. “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Harold Cunningham of the Cincinnati Cunninghams,” he said, as if his name meant something.

“And we’re the Steeles. The Phoenix Steeles,” someone said behind her, and she recognized the voice as Galen’s.

“And I’m Mercury Steele,” Mercury said, moving forward, extending his hand to Harold. Sloan wondered why Mercury was acting like a diplomat and being so nice.

Harold shook Mercury’s hand, and then Mercury proceeded to introduce Harold to every single person in the room. After doing so, Mercury then said, “Harold, we really do appreciate you coming all the way from Ohio to check on Sloan, but as you can see, she’s in good hands. When you return to Cincinnati, please be sure to tell her parents that she’s in my care and under my protection.”

Harold frowned. “Your Copyright 2016 - 2024