Seduced By A Steele (Forged of Steele #12) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,22

care of some business things?”

“Yes. I expect him in an hour, and he will explain everything.” Eden looked at her watch and then smiled at her. “Today I’m spending time with my grandbabies.”

Sloan heard the excitement in Eden’s voice. In addition to Galen’s twins, Eden had a one-year-old grandson from her son Eli and his wife, Stacey. The proud grandmother had shown Sloan a photo of the little boy, and just like her other two grands and her sons, he had green eyes.

“Good morning.”

She glanced up to see Mercury walk into the dining room. He moved to where his mother sat and placed a kiss on her cheek before glancing over at Sloan.

She’d wondered how she would react upon seeing him after that kiss they’d shared last night. The thought had worried her, kept her from sleeping most of the night, until she’d accepted that Mercury Steele had undoubtedly kissed a number of women in his day—for him to do it so well—and kissing her had meant nothing.

She could have sworn she saw something flash in his eyes, but what, she wasn’t sure, because just as quickly, it was gone. “Good morning, Sloan.”

“Good morning, Mercury.”

He then glanced at his watch. “Are you ready?”

She wondered just where he intended to take her. “Where are we going?”

“To the bank to open an account. This bank is owned by my best friend’s family. So you don’t have to worry about your father getting to the manager. Then I figure you can pick out a car and an apartment.”

She was about to remind him she would only have the money Lisa would be loaning her when he said, “There is such a thing as building up your own credit.”

Building up my own credit.

She nodded, deciding that made sense. She had to start somewhere, and it would be nice being independent the way she wanted. “Okay.”

“My goodness, Mercury. Give Sloan a chance to at least finish breakfast.”

“That’s okay—I’m fine,” she said, pushing her plate aside. The thought of building up her own credit had her excited. “I’ll take my plate into the kitchen and be back in a flash.”

“No rush.”

Well, there was a rush, as far as Sloan was concerned. There was something in the way he was looking at her that had a heated feeling flowing through her. Grabbing her plate, she then headed toward the kitchen. When she got there, she leaned against the counter, needing to take a deep breath. Why did Mercury have to look so darn hot in yet another business suit? And the scent of his aftershave was so masculine it sent spikes of desire through her. And when she looked at him, she remembered how thoroughly he had kissed her and how eagerly she had kissed him back.

The only way she could handle spending any time with him today would be to be on her guard, because whether she wanted to be or not, she was attracted to Mercury.

Mercury watched Sloan leave the dining room and couldn’t help but appreciate the gracefulness of her walk. She seemed to glide on air, perfect posture and one hell of a sexy body in a pair of slacks and a blouse.

He was getting frustrated with the way his thoughts were going. He recognized the signs whether he wanted to or not; he desired her.


He turned and discovered his mother looking at him with an odd expression on her face. “Yes?”

“I’ve been trying to get your attention.”

He knew that was her way of letting him know she’d noticed the interest he was showing toward Sloan this morning. He didn’t like the thought of that. “Was there something you wanted?” Of course there was something she wanted; otherwise, she would not have been trying to get his attention.

Eden smiled. “Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to care for Sloan today.”

Like he had a choice after what his father had made clear last night. Sloan was his responsibility and he’d needed to come up with a plan to make sure she was taken Copyright 2016 - 2024