Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,57

her announcement. “I know that. But you loved him before and still, you left.”

She fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat. “I know I love him. I love him with all my heart. But...” she stopped and lifted her eyes to him. “I messed up.”

Gaelen didn’t speak for a long moment. But he must have seen something in her eyes, because he nodded. “Fine.” A moment later, he barked orders to his driver. Harper looked out the window to discover that they’d been driving away from the palace. “Where were you going?”

“I was taking you home.”

She looked out the window, not sure about the direction but everything looked strangely unfamiliar. “But…it looks like you were heading away.”

“I was. Until you said the right words, I was driving you back to the airport.”

Harper’s eyes widened, then she smiled. “What were the right words?”

“That you’d messed up,” he replied with a grin and a wink.

Harper laughed with him and relaxed back against the cushions. “You’re a very subtle man, Prince Gaelen.”

He chuckled as the SUV came to a stop in the underground parking garage. A guard opened the door and Harper stepped out, looking around for her suitcase. “I probably should have…”

“Go find him, Harper,” Gaelen said in a soft, rough voice. “He hasn’t said anything to us, but I know that he needs you.”

She looked into the big man’s hazel eyes that were so similar and yet, so different, from Amit’s. “I need him too,” she whispered back. “More than I realized.”

“Good. Go find him. I’m betting he’s in his office, pretending that he’s fine.”

She turned and headed for the palace doors. A servant stood there, waiting for her. “I will show you the way, miss,” and then the woman turned, heading deeper into the palace.

Harper wanted to ask questions, to find out why Gaelen thought that Amit wanted her here. But the servant was fast and Harper had to hurry in order to keep up with her.

And then she was there! Amit’s door was closed and his aide, the ever-faithful Rashid, looked as if he wanted to push her out of the way.

“I just need to speak with him for a moment, Rashid.”

The aide pressed his lips together. “He’s very busy.” His gaze dropped the tablet in his hands. “I can schedule…”

The heavy, wood door flew open and Amit stood there. Several months ago, Harper would have said that his face was expressionless, but she knew better now. She saw the emotions in his eyes and in the tension around his lips.

“Gaelen called, mentioned that you were here in the palace,” he said, his voice rougher than she remembered.

“Yes. I’m here.” Harper’s eyes pleaded with him. “I was wrong,” she admitted. She stood there, trembling and hoping that she was right, that Amit loved her even half as much as she loved him. But what if she was wrong? What if Leslie had seen something that wasn’t there?

Amit’s eyes flickered over his aide, then the guards standing sentry on either side of his door. “Not here,” he snapped, then took her elbow and turned her around. Leading her down the long, ornate hallways, she recognized this hallway. She’d walked it several times, sometimes being carried.

The closer they got to his apartment, the more nervous she became. But she didn’t stop. Not until he’d pulled her into his apartment and closed the door.

Leaning back against the door, Harper watched as Amit paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair. This wasn’t the calm, cool man she’d left so many weeks ago, she realized. He’d lost weight. There were dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn’t been sleeping well. Did he…could he love her?

Taking a chance, she stepped forward. “I love you,” she whispered.

That stopped him and he turned, startled by her words. But then he shook his head. “I know that you love me, Harper,” he told her, sounding tired. “And yet, you still left me.”

“I’m back. I messed up. Completely,” she admitted. Walking closer, Harper lifted her hands, pleading with him. “Please don’t push me away, Amit. I love you so much and the past few weeks have shown me just how much I need you.”

He turned to face her, hands fisted on his hips. “Why did you leave, Harper? How can I know that you won’t leave again?”

Her heart raced and that stab of fear was almost debilitating. But she had to do this. She had to break through that blank look that he showed to the Copyright 2016 - 2024