Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,32

pounds.” He moved closer, his hand covering hers against his chest. “You can feel the muscles, can’t you?”

He whispered the question softly, seductively.

“Just as you told Talia a secret, I’ll share a bit of wisdom with you.” He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth. “The bigger the male,” he kissed the other side of her mouth, “the more they want to please and pleasure a woman.” Amit nibbled at her lower lip. “But with just the slightest pressure,” he pressed his fingers over hers, “powerful males back away.”

Amit stepped back from her, leaving Harper feeling overwhelmed. “Are we still talking about horses?” she whispered.

He shook his head. “No. But tomorrow, I will prove to you that the things that you fear the most, might give you the most pleasure.”

With one final caress of his lips against hers, Amit turned and walked out of her suite, leaving her cold and aching for more than simple kisses.

Chapter 13

Harper stepped out of her suite the following morning, her head aching because she hadn’t slept well. She’d struggled to get to sleep, Amit’s words echoing through her thoughts while her body ached for…well, for a whole lot more than just one kiss!

But Harper wasn’t here for an affair! And especially not an affair with the ruler of this, or any, country! It was such an outrageous idea, to have sex with a man like Amit, that…!

Okay, if she were being perfectly honest with herself, she couldn’t stop thinking about having sex with Amit. No one had ever tempted her like this. Yes, she’d had romantic relationships before. She’d almost become engaged! But those relationships had been so much less…inflammatory! Oh, what a perfect word for how Amit made her feel. She felt inflamed whenever he was around and, now that he’d kissed her, twice, she knew how quickly their desire could spiral out of control.

Did she want that? Did she want to open herself up to a romantic relationship that would end in…well, in weeks? What kind of heartache would she endure once she left Amit and went back to her regular life?

Hurrying out of the palace that morning, she didn’t stop by the nursery to say good morning to the twins, and as soon as her driver headed away, Harper felt a huge wave of guilt for running away. Hadn’t she told Amit and his siblings not to do exactly that? Not to run away from their feelings? And yet, that was exactly what she was doing now.

Of course, these interviews had been scheduled last week, so it wasn’t as if she was truly running. But…there was no doubt about it, she’d definitely had time to stop by and say hello to the twins. Unfortunately, the possibility of running into Amit again had her running scared. After last night’s kiss, Harper simply wasn’t ready for another interlude. And horses? Um…nope! Not gonna happen!

Doctor heal thyself, she mentally chided.

Several hours later, Harper was exhausted. The interviews today hadn’t been especially difficult, but her lack of sleep had caught up with her. Plus, it was hot, she hadn’t stopped for breakfast, and the lunch that had been served at her last meeting had been chicken. Again. Harper had eaten chicken just about every day this week and she was just sick of it! So now she was hungry and irritable, exhausted and…still guilty for leaving the palace this morning, running away from her fears.

As soon as she stepped out of the back of the SUV, she knew that her time was up. Rashid, Amit’s diligent assistant, stood at the top of the steps leading to the entrance of the palace. There was no way she could enter the palace without passing him, and he didn’t look like he was going to allow her to simply say hello and head off to her suite for a refreshing shower.

“Good afternoon, Doctor Ross,” Rashid greeted her with a slight bow. “His Highness has asked that you meet him at the stables after you have had time to change your clothes.”

Harper groaned. “Yes. He mentioned something along those lines last night.”

She walked towards her suite, not sure how to get out of this “summons”, which was really what it was. As soon as she stepped into her suite, she saw riding clothes had been laid out on the bed. “Oh no,” she whispered.

A servant appeared with food and Harper smiled in relief. “How did you know that I was hungry?”

The servant placed the tray of Copyright 2016 - 2024