Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,30

direction, then quickly away, but Amit saw the knowing smirk. Tarin was a little slower on grasping what was going on, but he eventually figured it out. Talia…yes, his sister understood. She was less proficient at hiding her feelings, but that was okay. He liked being able to read her more easily. Especially after this afternoon. Again, it had taken Harper to see that someone was in pain and do something about it.

Damn, he was in debt to her! She’d done so much to help his family. The others moved closer, everyone sitting or standing as they discussed things that had happened that day. Harper remained quiet, but he could feel her interest. Amit listened with half an ear, but he was more attuned to Harper’s unspoken messages than the conversation around him as his family talked about various issues.

What she didn’t know was that she was going to become a part of that family as well. He could feel her wanting to lean against him. Every few minutes, she’d relax and accept his touch, but then remember that she wasn’t supposed to enjoy it and pull away. He didn’t let her, but it was an interesting, and revealing game.

“Dinner is ready,” a servant announced, then stepped back to open the doors from the family salon to the dining room.

“I’m starving!” Talia announced, then moved over to kiss Elsa on the cheek. “You two are up past your bed time aren’t you? Are you going to stay awake long enough to eat dinner?”

Both of them nodded eagerly, not wanting to stop their entre into this close-knit ritual of dining with the family.

“You sit over there,” Tarin said, plunking Ellora into a booster seat. “You’re going to have to eat all my broccoli. I hate the stuff, but Amit loves it, so the chef makes it too often.”

Ellora glanced worriedly at Amit. Talia came over and patted her shoulder comfortingly. “Don’t you worry about your uncle, Ellora,” she whispered. “I love broccoli and I’ll eat yours, if you need help. But we’re going to make him eat his own, okay?”

Amit watched with increasing understanding of what they’d been doing wrong over the past several weeks. Not just for the twins, but for each other. “Harper, you’re next to me,” he said when she tried to take the seat next to Gaelen. Tarin immediately took that seat, winking at Harper as if they were in cahoots.

He was immediately grateful for his siblings, all of whom understood more than the woman who was trying so desperately to not understand.

He held her chair out for her, waiting as she slowly came around the table. His eyes traveled down over her figure in the black dress and he almost chuckled at the blush that stole up her cheeks. For a woman who understood other people so well, the lovely Doctor Ross was trying quite hard to ignore what was obvious between the two of them.

He wondered why. As the wait staff served, he watched, trying to figure her out.

Chapter 12

“Okay, little ladies, it’s time for bed,” Tarin announced, picking up a half dozing Elsa. Immediately, her head flopped onto his shoulder and he rested a hand on her back. Gaelen lifted Ellora up and she did the same.

Harper watched, fascinated as the two huge men handled the small girls with delicate care. It was like seeing Rottweilers with newborn kittens. “Good night,” she called softly.

Both girls wiggled their fingers towards her, even hugged Talia back when she wished them a good night.

Amit had left the room several minutes ago on some sort of official business, but he’d kissed each of them on the top of their heads before leaving the dining room.

There was a long silence after the uncles carried their sleepy charges out. Talia sighed. “Thank you for this afternoon,” she said, eyes still on the doorway.

Harper smiled. “I’m happy to help,” she replied. “It’s sometimes easier for an outsider to see things.” Her hand fluttered lightly. “Objectivity and all that.”

Talia sipped her wine. “Is that what you think you are?” At Harper’s lifted eyebrows, she continued, “You consider yourself an outsider?”

“Of course,” Harper replied, but the memory of that kiss earlier today came to mind and she felt a warmth rise within her.

Talia smiled. “I don’t think that you will be an outsider for long,” she said mysteriously, then stood up. “You’re a wonderful person, Harper.” She slipped silently from the room.

Harper sat there for another moment, stunned and pleased by her comment. Copyright 2016 - 2024