Seduced by the Sheik (The Raminar Family #1)- Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,28


He didn’t say anything, but he stepped forward, a determined gleam in his eyes. Harper didn’t have a chance to speak before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It wasn’t a brief, thank-you sort of kiss either. It was a take-your-breath-away kind of kiss. A deep, soul-drenching, body tingling, mind-boggling kiss that had her curling her body around his, pressing her soft curves against the hard planes of his chest, stomach, and thighs. She wanted to climb his body and never stop kissing him. She wanted to find out what it would be like to do more than kiss, to feel his hard, strong hands explore her body.

Unfortunately, a slamming door somewhere in the distance disrupted the moment and he pulled away. For a long moment, they stood there, staring at each other, their breathing ragged as the moment pulsed with something almost tangible.

He took several steps backwards. “I’m not sorry,” he told her.

Then that dratted, ever-efficient Rashid stepped through the doorway, bringing Amit’s attention back to reality.

Harper lifted a hand, pressing her fingers against her lips, trying to ease the odd tingling sensation. Staring up at him, she wondered if he felt it too, but his hazel eyes only glared back at her, warning her that this, whatever this was, wasn’t over.

A moment later, Amit walked away with Rashid rapidly explaining whatever problem had occurred. It wasn’t until they walked through one of the palace doors that Harper released the breath she’d been holding. Could one kiss do that? Could one kiss from a man she…didn’t really understand…create such chaos in the world?

With shaking fingers, Harper scooped up her tote bag and hurried out of the courtyard. The intense chill of the palace startled her and she paused, trying to get her bearings. She was in a different section of the palace now, one that was unfamiliar to her.

Flustered, she turned, trying to find her suite, but after several moments, Harper knew that she was going the wrong way. “This is ridiculous!” she grumbled, turning around.

Eventually, she found her way, still irritated that Amit had flustered her so badly. And for what reason? Just to rile her?

No, that was stupid. Was it because Harper had spoken to Talia?

She wasn’t sure, and until she asked him, she wasn’t sure she’d figure it out. What had he said before walking away? “I’m not sorry.” That was it. What had he meant? Should he have apologized for something? For kissing her?

Unfortunately, as she made her way towards the stables, Harper made a vow that she wasn’t going to speak to the man again.

Granted, her response might be construed as petty. Perhaps even a bit childish. But good grief, the things that he could do with just a kiss! Harper was supposed to be a professional and yet, she’d become flustered from just one freaking kiss! How ridiculous was that?!

Chapter 11

The charcoal pencil flew over the paper and Amit lost himself in the details, trying to recreate the memory so that he could preserve it forever. He remembered the way that Harper had looked that afternoon, the sun shining down on her blond hair, her lips soft, slightly open…her blue eyes staring up at him as if she wanted him to never stop kissing her.

Hell, he hadn’t wanted to stop. If it hadn’t been for Rashid interrupting, Amit doubted that anything could have stopped him. Unfortunately, his life, his time, was not his own. Tamping down on the smoldering resentment, he pushed it aside and focused on capturing the heat in her eyes, the fullness of her lower lip, and the soft, delicate hairs along Harper’s jawline. He shifted the paper, trying to get the angle right on her cheekbones, the tilt of her eyes, and the slide of her nose. Every part of her was a challenge, he thought. Every look, every expression on her lovely face drove him wild and the need to draw her compelled him time and again to this space in his private apartment.

He knew that he needed to stop and dress for dinner. Even as he thought it, his servant stepped forward, his eyes asking if he should back away, as was sometimes the case when Amit was drawing, or if he should prepare the shower.

Amit debated, wanting to work on the angle of her ear, but then he realized that he’d see Harper at dinner. The need to see her, to touch her again, even if it was only to hold her hand Copyright 2016 - 2024